Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Today's editorial in the democratian sounds like their scumbag editor wrote it... Lefty Lou.

Once again, those of us fortunate enough to live outside the gulag of the Vancouver Soviet are belittled and ignored by Lefty Lou Brancaccio.

As I indicated yesterday before the election results were posted:
First, any Downtown Mafia victory will be spun as support for the democratian agenda, which is, after all, written and directed by the special interests of downtown Vancouver.

The moron running that despicable rag of a newspaper, Lefty Lou, tipped his cards with this idiocy a few days ago:

“If Leavitt wins, it will signal that we’re growing tired of where Madore is leading this county.”
That's how Lefty Lou will spin it, of course: but that's just a sign... another sign... that this clown believes the universe begins and ends within the city limits of Vancouver: because whatever the voters of Vancouver do, that may have zero application on THIS side of those city boundaries.
I was right on two fronts: first and foremost is that the people of Clark County overwhelmingly rejected the leftist/downtown mafia/Identity Vancouver/Chamber of Horrors/democratian agenda last night and, second:

That Lefty Lou would spin it like a top... acting like the people outside the boundaries of  POW camp Brancaccio represents wise enough to oppose his fringe-left positions are again to be ignored and belittled... was as obvious as "The Liar's" drinking problem and corruption.

The rag, of course, played their part rather effectively, coordinating with the campaign of scum to demonize David Madore in an effort to, again, fool the ignorant of Vancouver.

To that end, Brancaccio's anti-Madore fetish actually appears to have -played out... but a 4% swing, of course, can change the outcome.  It's not likely, but we've been here before: Tom Mielke was roughly 4500 votes behind only to win, ultimately, by 209 or so votes after 2 recounts.

Is that going to happen here?  Don't know.  But the GOP Machine was, allegedly, in full swing over the past few days... it will be interesting to see what, if any, impact they may have had.

Lefty had to downplay the most important results last night: the crushing defeat he and the rest of the CRC Scammers suffered when the question of whether the people of this county want their scam or not:
Yet while city voters backed those who are likely to support the CRC, county voters overall delivered a different message. Four of the five transportation-related advisory votes — which would, for example, instruct county commissioners to oppose any light-rail project unless explicitly approved by a vote of the people — were passing.
It's understandable that ballots from within the city limits of Vancouver would reflect a different point of view from those throughout the rest of the county. Vancouver residents would be in closer proximity to a new bridge and to light rail and would, on average, benefit more than those beyond the city limits.
Folks, the rag's agenda on the CRC Scam was undeniably crushed yesterday at the only poll that matters.  Do you believe for one second that Brancaccio would be spewing this kind of crap if the loot rail vote had gone the other way?

A grand total of 7... seven of Vancouver's 76 precincts, voted to support loot rail.

Yet, that moron Lefty Lou tells us "It's understandable that ballots from within the city limits of Vancouver would reflect a different point of view from those throughout the rest of the county?"

The only difference is that 100% of the precincts outside Vancouver in Clark County opposed it as of this writing, while only almost 90% opposed it in Vancouver.  He's too damned dense to look it up.

Remember this earlier stupidity on that?
There is, as spelled out by the Founding Fathers more than 200 years ago, a difference between direct democracy and representative democracy. Rather than establish a direct democracy — one in which the citizenry votes on governmental decisions both enormous and miniscule — this nation's founders had the foresight to create a representative democracy in which elected representatives vote on behalf of the people.
The purpose of bringing this up is not to spark a constitutional debate, but rather to discuss the merits of advisory measures that will appear before Clark County voters when ballots for the general election are mailed out Oct. 16. Of the six advisory measures — again, they are nonbinding — five of them deal in some fashion with mass transit. Important topics, sure, yet the measures are confusing and will settle nothing in the ongoing debate. We urge a "no" vote on Advisory Votes Nos. 1-5.
How'd that work out for you, Lefty?

The vast majority of people who voted in this election clearly ignored the rag on this effort to again manipulate an outcome to something they like under the guise of a protest vote.  Because if they had taken that advise, there's no way that scumbag at the democratian keyboard would have couched it as a protest vote.  He would have trumpeted it as a rejection of the anti-CRC types

So, now, having been ignored by the voters, who by their response have largely done the exact opposite of what Lefty wanted in overwhelmingly approving the efforts to rein in the CRC/BRT scam, the democratian was left with nothing but spin.  And in this case, their spin is to ignore the voters who, no matter how overwhelmingly, continue to oppose

But in reading Lefty's post election babble, I was drawn to this stupidity from Brancaccio:
If the election results hold as ballots continue to be counted over the next couple days, the mayoral race and all three city council races will reflect a decisive message. Their opponents had been linked together philosophically, and voters have rejected the philosophy. Which answers the question posed at the beginning of this editorial. Where do we go from here? Forward.
The "decisive message" ended at the barbed wire walls of the gulag... where reality rears it's ugly head.

I can engage in the same kind of hyperbole:
If the election results hold as ballots continue to be counted over the next couple days, the transportation advisory votes will reflect a decisive message. Their opponents had been linked together philosophically, and voters have rejected that philosophy countywide. Which answers the question posed at the beginning of this editorial. Where do we go from here? Back to doing all we can to kill the idiocy of the CRC Scam and the BRT Rip Off.
See, THAT is an accurate conclusion to this editorial.

There is no question that the CRC Scammers are squirming.  This election provided multiple and additional arrows for the Anti-CRC quiver... both here locally... and in Olympia and Washington, DC.

The results do not, by any means, equal what Lefty wants you to believe they equal.  But that won't stop him from trying to lie enough to get you to believe they do.

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