Monday, June 03, 2013

The democratian pegs the hypocrisy meter on home rule.

I have always supported a home rule charter: I will always support any plan that gives the citizenry an increased voice in their government.

Unlike the democratian, I will never fear the will of the people.  I believe that no element of government should be off limits of the review of the people, even when I disagree with their decisions... believing in the people's wisdom is a risk I'll gladly take... unlike our local cancer on our community.

The reason the rag opposes home rule is quite clear: they do not want the people to be empowered in any way to derail their agenda.

They have, for example, never demanded a county wide or any other "wide" vote on the Scam known now as the soon-to-be-dead CRC Project... essentially because they have always feared the will of the people when that will conflicts with their agenda.

After all, when your newspaper is run by a megalomaniac, in his world, HE is "smart," and WE are "stupid." 

So, when the slimeball editor of the democratian comes out with THIS kind of garbage:

In Our View: Home Rule Again, Really?

Clark County voters have repeatedly spoken against idea; try something new

"Clark County voters have repeatedly spoken against idea; try something new"

Perhaps among the rankest, most hypocritical crap ever printed by this rag, the fact is this:

On those infrequent opportunities where we, The People, have been allowed, the people of this county have, in many different ways, "repeatedly spoken against" the CRC over just the last 5 years: where's these moron's calls for the CRC Scammers to "try something new?"

As is typical for the idiots running the Lazy C's show, they don't OFFER "something new."  They don't tell us WHAT, they don't tell us HOW... just demand that something BESIDES a county charter be tried here.

The reasons are obvious: they fear the people... and they know this outcome will likely end project scams and leftist decisions at the county level forever.  And they simply cannot have that.

One of the many reasons to despise the scum running their show is their dependence on situational ethics.

If they are going to apply THIS "standard" on something they don't happen to believe in; specifically, giving the people a voice in their government and allowing us to review their decisions... shouldn't they apply the SAME standard to every OTHER issue, even the ones they like?

Of course they should.  But they never do.

And that, of course, is why it's so easy to ignore their prattle.  Well, that and the fact that Brancaccio is a punk who needs to be ignored...  One wonders: will his head explode when the CRC has a stake driven through it's heart in a few days?

No matter.  Clearly, the democrats who thought this was such a stupid idea last year have had second and third thoughts over the plan: they stupidly see it as a way to retake control over the local government because the left doesn't have a shortage of arrogance (As embodied by, say, Jim "Molehill" Moeller) and it typically blinds them to reality.

A county charter is a blueprint for democrat extinction at the county level.  Five commissioners, what the idiot at the democratian refers to as "intriguing," would result in an ALL GOP commission under the current district wide requirement: the hated CRC Scam is no less hated now than it was last November... and how did that work out for the CRC Scammers?

The problem the democrats have is simple: if you oppose the CRC, then you can't run as a democrat.  And if you support the CRC while running against an anti-CRC opponent, you can't win as a democrat, either.

Of course, that's why I support the charter idea.  With the reduction in work of 2/5ths, the commissioner's pay should, of course, be reduced by a commensurate amount: we shouldn't pay anyone in government more to be responsible for

Democrats, of course, simply and deliberately fail to acknowledge that around here, the last election was a disaster of epic proportions (A GOP Commission for the first time in decades, 11 out of 15 legislators representing Clark County Republican) and instead of recognizing the causes, they double-down on their stupidity.

We all remember the faux outrage whipped up by the rag and Steve Stuart over the Benton hiring that accomplished absolutely nothing. 

Man, was the left pissed... or what?

But the Benton hiring was a felony compared to the mass-murder of the CRC Scam... and where's their outrage over that?

No where.  Because that's the kind of abuse these slime love.  And the democratian, in setting new levels of hypocrisy with this editorial, damned well knows it.

1 comment:

  1. I predict many Tantrums and Hissy Fits in the local Bullshit Rag in the coming weeks and months. This will add to the local Humor


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