Saturday, June 01, 2013

Brancaccio's Benton fetish: Lou, you need help.

In my experience, few newspaper editors have shown the psychotic, Captain Queeg-like tendencies of our very own Lou Brancaccio.

Brancaccio's fixation on Benton has long since passed over the border into obsession.

He's furious that, his best efforts notwithstanding (Whenever Benton ran a campaign, it's always been like he's run against both an opponent and our local scumbag editor) Benton took out the downtown mafia's hero, Tim Probst.

He's furious that Benton ignores him and his reporters.

He's furious that Benton has opposed most of the rag's agenda since they've had one... and he's furious that Benton is usually successful in killing the rag's efforts.

He's furious that the only two commissioners with any power made a decision that was theirs to make and have stuck by it.

He's essentially insanely angry over the fact that Benton,. and not one of his fringe-left, whack job buddies from the downtown mafia-approved list got a job he was both qualified for and still has.

(Bet it really gripes Lou's shorts that Sen. Benton went to work yesterday at the county: that he'll no doubt go back to work on Monday... and the next day... and the next... and next week... and next year and so on, and there's not one damned thing he can do about it.)

But most of all, he's furious that the GOP dominated Majority Coalition Caucus is about to drop his cherished CRC Scam into the river.

Now, every senator in Clark County outside that clueless moron sock-puppet Cleveland (Benton, Braun, King, Rivers)  is opposed to this garbage: the rag's lies of commission and omission having zero effect in that regard.

So, once again, Benton has done something that is a major plus for him, and any success Benton has at any level flies directly into the face of Brancaccio's essentially psychotic view of the man... and Lou can't have that.

Here's the thing, Lou: I get that you're really pissed at your own impotence.  Back in the day, newspaper editors used to wield some influence.  What they had to say and print used to mean something.  "Editor" used to be a position of respect and admiration... and the Democratian's editorial position might have even been the same before first, that slimeball Koenninger took over followed by the current scumbag.

And now, there's ever-dwindling circulation and a bankruptcy to show for the abortion of his tenure.

I've got to wonder: how does he feel every time he goes by what used to be the democratian's palace that's now been turned into The Liar's fiefdom knowing that used to be his domain?

It's got to be tough for Brancaccio: Here he is, an abysmal failure who routinely puts it all on a personal level... (For example, has Brancaccio ever written about Sen. Rivers the way he routinely writes about Benton?  No?  Why not?

Benton and Rivers share most of the same political views and a mutual dislike of the CRC Scam, which they've been working diligently to kill.  So why does Brancaccio keep babbling about Benton while he keeps treating Sen. Rivers like his BFF?)

In today's column, our local hypocrite takes yet another limp-wristed swing at Benton.  Every legislator in Clark County, all 15 of them, apparently did the same thing as Benton, but who does this blivet pull out his whip for?


This fixation on the man has long-since passed the unhealthy obsession phase.  It's sick.

One of Sen. River's favorite sayings, both in life and in campaigns, is "I'm not going to build my house up by tearing the other guy's house down."

It's just a fricking shame that our obviously unbalanced newspaper editor can't take that advice.


  1. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Well, both the owner and Lou need help, that's for sure. Investigative reporting is where...>?

    And Lou doesn't understand or he refuses to understand that both parties have done this, just not this blandly. And the more salt poured into their wounds, the more they will ignore poor Lou, like a lot of people are starting to do.

  2. I like the term "LOU - SERS It describes The Columbian to a "T".

  3. Senator Rivers basically gave Brancaccio the "finger" in her interview and slapped him around like the pathetic little creature that he is.

  4. I responded to Brancaccio's "Benton hiring justification?" challenge (see below) but he never got back to me...

    'Benton's position is managerial. Often organizations choose executives who make decisions that reflect their credo (or ideology in this case) to winnow through recommendations provided by "experts" from within the organizational hierarchy. The executives do not have to be experts themselves. Ostensibly, Benton's long experience in politics and decision-making, especially ideological decisions, makes him qualified for the position that the Conservative Commissioners desire.

    This is NOT to say I agree with how he was appointed, especially since I'm a Liberal and was relying on the preexisting hiring process to protect my best interests. Plus, political courtesy usually demands that those in power do NOT exploit their temporary advantage. We can chalk this up to the radicalization of Clark County politics due to the total and complete mismanagement of how CRC is presented & perceived by our citizens. And because they have no direct input by vote on CRC, they express their feelings vicariously through other voting venues – to all our demise.'


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