Saturday, May 18, 2013

Washougal: a REAL firefighter takes on a FAKE cop for mayor.

Sean Guard's buffoonery obviously makes him a tempting target.

The match-up was too much to pass on: if this fire captain, Earl Scott is opposed to the CRC Scam, he might as well measure the drapes now.

I notice that some of the more moronic are howling for Republican Commissioner David Madore and Republican Commissioner Tom Mielke's scalp, sunk into a deep, dark, moronic depression because they've got 19 months until Stuart is gone, and 3.5 years until even the remote possibility of Madore's and/or Mielke's departure.

I also notice that those same lowlife's typically support Guard's violation of the law, poor judgement and arrogance that violation illustrated.

As I said, the election is now Scott's to lose:  Scott's opposition to the CRC would essentially guarantee his victory.


  1. I'm sorry, Greggy... did you bleat something?

  2. Greggy, please call your shrink and ask him about upping your dosage... and use a password on your computer.

    Otherwise that 9 y.o. who's been obsessing about me and sending those sick messages might get you into trouble.


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