Saturday, May 18, 2013

Brancaccio throws a hissy fit in today's used toilet paper.

Brancaccio's efforts to divide the GOP locally failed as miserably as the rag he works for.

Not ONE elected politician to the right of Mao came out in support of his jihad,.

Brancaccio, who hates Benton, Madore and Mielke even more than he hates me, can't get over the fact that Benton was hired; that Benton remains hired, and that Benton WILL remain hired for the indefinite future...

And there's not one damned thing this little worm can do about it.

When this slimeball spews:
Oh, the M&M boys and Benton have a few supporters. Most are frenetic and friendly bloggers and Web commenters. I love all these guys! But defending the indefensible is something only a few are willing to tackle.'s clear he can't even look in the mirror without lying.

For example, I know he'd likely swerve to flatten me with his car if he ever saw me in a crosswalk.

And since nothing that took place raises to the level of "indefensible," say, like a drunken democrat legislator molesting female staff... which is precisely what Brancaccio did with Jim Jacks... it's easy for me to defend it.

If what the commissioners had done was illegal, then certainly it would be "indefensible."

If what they had done had even violated policy.... then THAT might have been "indefensible."

But the FACT is that Brancaccio can't help himself.  He's found the three elected officials he hates more than Stalin in his cross-hairs and he just... can't... let them go.

The problem is that he's never had any bullets.  So, when he pulls the trigger, all that happens is a "click." And another "click."  And then, rapid "clicks" with nothing coming out of the barrel of his gun.

In fact, I quote the very despicable rag this scumbag runs:
"However, the county provides a few exceptions to the requirement that job positions be publicly advertised, and says elected officials have the discretion to appoint department heads."
That's the only "defense" the commissioners require.

Apparently, Lou doesn't understand the word "discretion."

let me help you with that, idiot-stick:
freedom to decide: the freedom or authority to judge something or make a decision about it
That Brancaccio and the others on the left, personally, doesn't LIKE it?

Well, that just ain't enough.

So, my thanks to the Republican elected who refused to be trolled by this scumbag..,. avoiding his panting desire to be use them to hit Madore and Mielke over the head like a club.

God, Lou... it sucks to be you.  And every day that Benton goes to work, it just jams the stick a little deeper into your eye.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. Brancaccio throws a Tantrum. it hasn't done him any good, now has it?


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