Saturday, May 11, 2013

This weeks: The scum that is Brancaccio.

It was going on 3 years or so ago that I had burrowed under Lou Brancaccio's hide enough that he felt compelled to risk Ann River's election by using me to beat her up.

Using a web site ran by a slimeball under the direction of a coward from Kalama, Brancaccio decided to pile on, for two consecutive weeks.

What most people don't know is that in the week between the two Saturdays he tried to bully me, that scumbag was emailing me in an effort to goad me into a response.

Emails... (In numeric order from 30 Jul 2010, to the last one on October 1 of that year, shortly before he got his ass caved in for gearing up to try the same stunt on Brent Boger.)
      Hey Kelly,

    Hope things are going well for you.  I'm planning on doing my Saturday column on you and Kage.  If you'd like to talk about it, give me a call at 735-4505.

    Thanks much.


    Too impersonal.  Give me a call.


    >>> "K.J. Hinton Via Droid"  7/29/2010 3:44 PM >>>
    Feel free to email me any questions you may have.

    Would you mind sending me by e-mail an updated photo of you?  (Mug shot would be fine.) The one we have is pretty old.  Or there is a more current photo of you on Facebook with Danielle.  Mind if we use that? We'd crop Danielle out. Hey, and if you want to get a cup of coffee sometime next week, let me know.  I'm buying!


    Hey Kelly,

    Curious, why after all the stuff you went through using Kage McClued would you decide to use it again on Facebook?  That, I have to admit, has me puzzled.



    I'm heading out.  Have a good weekend!  Have fun commenting on my column tomorrow.



    Did my column get you to see the light?  "Mr.Leavitt?" Did I miss your use of the word "Liar?"



    You OK?  I was expecting some sort of response from you or Kage.  You in full scramble mode?


    Hey Kelly,

    Just a quick clarification, is the coffee you agreed to after the election after the primary or general?



    Hey Kelly,

    "Now it's time to go out and wash and wax my big ol' red truck."

    Pretty good line!


    Hey Kage,

    Hope things are well with you.

    Just a heads up.  Could be mentioning you in a future column (not sure yet) and if I do I'll be using your more current photo.  That old photo is unbecoming and not fair to you.

So, after beating me to a pulp in his column and using a friend of mine to do it, this scumbag was all about "having coffee."

I'll have a Starbucks over your grave, Lou.  Many years from now, that'll be me drinking it.

That said, the focus of Brancaccio's efforts to impose control over me was my lack of "civility."

 Lou wrote that idiocy as if I answered to him... or if he were incapable of not reading my stuff.

And all of this is to set the table for his M&M fetish.

See, if he likes you, and you're attacked, he will, he thinks, beat hell out of you by using his column.

Like the bully he is, he knows you can't hit back.  School must have been very difficult for this clown.  Unfortunately for him, I could care less what he thinks about that

So, why is it that this moron is engaging in the very thing he thinks he smacked me for?  Will he ever be able to write a column without using that hypocritical "M&M" crap that he's so fond of?

Of course not.  It's to this community's misfortune that we're cursed with a slimy, hypocritical leftist running the newspaper, much like it would be if a slimy, hypocritical moderate, or a slimy, hypocritical right winger running the newspaper.

See, I have to see the light that asshole holds up, while he turns a blind eye to it himself.

And we are supposed to take hims seriously?  I don't.  He's long since passed a barrier of hypocrisy from which no one can return...  And this nonsense is yet another sign of that.

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