Saturday, May 11, 2013

Commissioner Steve Stuart finds out Madore and Mielke aren't going anywhere. (Video)


  1. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Aside from being incredibly insensitive to the families of the 10 million killed by the Nazi regime, and the blatant copyright infringement, equating Stuart or the democrats to Nazi's is plain dumb on multiple levels. Consider taking this down and apologizing.

  2. Actually, the numbers were much higher.

    And I'll stop equating Stuart and the democrats with the nazi's when they stop acting like them.

    Considered... and rejected.

    Here's the thing: nobody forces you or anyone else to read my cryptic little effort here. If this offends you somehow, then stop reading me. I fear you won't be missed.

    thanks for stopping buy... anonymous.

  3. Anonynuts, there is no "copyright infringrement - it's called "fair use" do some research before you shoot off your mouth.

  4. Anonymous4:02 PM

    Point taken on the nobody forcing me to read your blog; however, the fact remains that people on both sides of the aisle do read it from time to time.

    But isn't a little simple logic in order here? The progressives and their non-sense agenda need to be defeated in Clark County (and elsewhere). What purpose does it then serve to provide for them ammunition that can be used in defense of their flawed and naive ideology?

    You have stated on countless occasions that the sole newspaper in Vancouver is part of that progressive machine. Why provide for them more to use against the broader conservative movement, which you and I both know they will do?

    On a more practical basis, do you care nothing for intellectual property rights? Altering that clip (without written consent) in anyway is breaking the law, that much is certain.

    You either want real change in our county or you simply want sensationalism. Which is it? If you truly want change, perhaps you should reflect on your posting of this video and ask yourself how it is helping the cause.

  5. 1. I hardly see my meager effort here as something that progressives can, or do, use for anything.

    Were that I had a significant enough impact based on this blog: my effectiveness on the local political scene is way out of sight of their best efforts.

    2. When it comes to the Columbian, while they most certainly can believe that the sun comes up because they ordain it, I don't happen to agree.

    3. Few conservatives subscribe to the local Völkischer Beobachter. I hammer the rag of record because they hammer anyone they don't like who's to the right of Mao. While my little effort here has forced them to do some things, it hasn't changed them one wit.

    So, when they violate their public trust, as they so frequently do, I am going to nail them, any way I legally can. Just like, when I irritate them enough, they print something extremely complimentary about me.

    3. As for intellectual property rights, I defer to the director of the movie when discussing this subject:

    "Someone sends me the links every time there's a new one," says the director, on the phone from Vienna. "I think I've seen about 145 of them! Of course, I have to put the sound down when I watch. Many times the lines are so funny, I laugh out loud, and I'm laughing about the scene that I staged myself! You couldn't get a better compliment as a director." Some of Hirschbiegel's favorites are the one where Hitler hears of Michael Jackson's death, and one in which the Fuhrer can't get Billy Elliot tickets.

    Further, the use of these parodies is covered and protected under the Fair Use Doctrine:

    Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.

    All Downfall scenes used in theses parodies are the property of Constantin Film.

    4. It all depends on what "cause" you're about.

    The combination of the newspaper and Stuart is not unlike the early days of the Nazi movement. They are abusing this community, they lie when and where they feel like it (Like Stuart's allegations that he claimed he was going to file an ethics complaint over, which he shouldn't have even mentioned until he had the facts) and this massive bruhahaha because these clowns didn't get a fellow leftist into place.

    See, here's the thing: *I* should be as sensitive to THEM, as THEY are to ME.

    And that is not at all.

    Further, there's nothing in my video that denigrates the loss of anyone... particularly since MY sensitivity to THAT subject is based on two different trips to Dachau.

    Try it some time. The reality exceeds your per-concieved notions.

  6. Anonymous8:02 PM

    Dude, look. It's clear from your responses to me and from many of your other blog postings that you are one of those people that is against everything and everyone and for nothing.

    I just think it's sad, that's all. You clearly have an eye for catching the progressives in their inevitable hypocrisy and lies, but choose to spend your energies on hyperbole-on-steroids, rather than rational, logical thought and discourse.

    That is of course, your right. Nothing you say to Moeller or Brancaccio is ever going to convert them from the religion of idiocy any more than what I say is going to change you. So-be-it. Have fun. Just wish you'd consider a slightly different, more productive path.

  7. The Hitler Parodies are funny and effective much like the Rush Limbaugh's parody songs that are merely Karaoke versions with more appropriate wording.Lefties don't like being exposed even if it is done humorously.Lefties are Sick Bastards

  8. Dude, look, it's clear from your comments here that you have no more idea what I'm about then you do the basics of performing an abdominal resection.

    Here's the thing: I don't have to explain myself to you. You have a simple choice to make: read my stuff or don't read it. But don't presume you can lecture me here with nothing and expect to make any impact.

    That you don't believe my words amount to "rational, logical thought and discourse." is your perception and your problem.

    With the daily traffic I get from both the US Senate and House as well as our state Senate and House, traffic I've been getting for the roughly 8 years or so I've been writing this effort, SOMEBODY must disagree.

    While nothing may change those slime, here's the thing: they know my name. And they read this blog. And they know I'm out here, watching.

    For me, that's enough. For us, feel free to read something else.


If I cannot identify you, then your post will be deleted.

No threats (Death or otherwise) allowed towards me or anyone else. If you have allegations of misconduct, they must be verifiable before I will publish them in comments.
