Sunday, May 19, 2013

My latest note to Commissioner Madore... today.

I totally backed your hiring of Sen. Benton because, as commissioners, you had the right to handle that the way you wanted according to the policies the Columbian mentioned... once... So the hatred of you and Tom for your pro-people, anti-CRC Scam positions (Which is what drove most of the moronic reaction) notwithstanding, idiocy about illegality and recalls for doing what democrats have done many times before in the past aside; you had the right to do what you did, there's nothing any of the screaming meemies can do about it except pout, and only time will tell if it will work out.

BUT... You made a mistake in allowing the CRUDEC pass-through.

If any agency opposes the will of the people of this county... and they do... if they oppose the will of the people who elected you... and they do.... if, as they claim, they don't need the money.... then why did you let any of it go through?

They either support us, or they don't.  Since they don't... then why should they get a nickel?

This was a mistake: not for cutting them off; that I support.

But the organizations out there that leach off the taxpayer jugular need to get a straight, understandable message.  By allowing the pass-through, the message became nebulous at best.

As a community, we'd all be much better off if pro-CRC Scam supporters like CRUDEC, The Chamber of Horrors and Identity Vancouver withered and died on the vine.

As long as these groups insist on ignoring the people... then we should insist on defunding them.  And I don't mean a little... I mean totally.

You expended a great deal of political capitol on this effort: you became a piƱata and the fringe left beat you with a stick.

Right now, you don't have a lot to show for it.

You must ONLY risk GREATLY if the reward matches the risk.  This effort undercut your earlier effort, making it essentially, worthless.

Do not fund them with our money.  Let the bridge and loot rail contractors keep them afloat.

1 comment:

Jack said...

I agree totally.