Monday, May 13, 2013

Doubling down on Brancaccio's idiotic challenge: who out there can justify this recall idiocy?

Brancaccio, perhaps the most useful tool in the democrat playbook, put out this idiocy in yesterday's waste of pulp (It's really about "Brancaccio" effort... the man knows as much about interviewing people as he does about honesty.  Two completely foreign concepts.)
But it did get me to wondering. How many elected Clark County officials would be willing to go on the record defending how Benton was hired and his qualifications for the job. If you're out there, email me, and I'll print the responses. Consider it a challenge! I'll let readers know what I get back.
So, here's the other side to that coin:

If ANYONE out there, elected or otherwise, can provide defensible, legal, genuine reasoning for this recall scam, they get the run of this blog.

Put what youi think is your reasoning together, combine it with a factual, legal argument, and you get this blog to post it, unedited by me.

How about it, pro-recall Scammers?

Consider it a challenge!  I'll let readers know what I get back.

1 comment:

  1. NOBODY can justify the "recall" that AIN'T gonna happen.


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