Monday, May 13, 2013

A monday the Empty Suit wishes he had back: Obama Administration out of control:

One of the biggest problems we, as a nation have, is that the simple idiot in the White House, who ahs earned the sobriquet from my of that "Anti-American, empty-suited racist bigot in the White House"is also a blithering incompetent.

Does he think he doesn't answer to us?

He wiped his behind with the Constitution again TODAY by even sticking it to his FRIENDS!

Here's a clue, you idiot: when you screw your enemies, AND your friends... you've got no one left.


So, keep getting up and lying to the American people you fricking scum bag.  And look up the Nixon impeachment... you know, where HE used the IRS against HIS political enemies?

The fringe-left scum around here, of course, will remain absolutely silent on this effort to demolish the Constitution of the United States.

You know, that piece of paper he's sworn to protect and defend?


  1. I look back to this time in Bush Jr.'s presidency and we were in f*king Iraq for no reason with 1000s dead and 10s of thousands maimed, and the unregulated banks were f*king us to financial collapse. To me, a Liberal, those were HUGE problems that Bush Jr. was directly responsible for. For Conservatives, however, those things were okay but 4 people dead in Libya and IRS audits are impeachable?! Democracy obviously works because logic doesn't.

  2. Just wait until the US Economy collapses Martin, I'm sure you'll be happy for the Liberal Bastards then.

  3. Moral relativism, Martin?

    I never expected laziness from you like "it was all Bush's fault."

    First, Bush did not order a stand down and then lie about it.

    Second, no one died from such an order. Nixon was impeached for far less.

    Third, The continually denied use of the IRS against political enemeies, which has inarguably happened here, also happened once before:

    "1. He has, acting personally and through his subordinates and agents, endeavored to obtain from the Internal Revenue Service, in violation of the constitutional rights of citizens, confidential information contained in income tax returns for purposed not authorized by law, and to cause, in violation of the constitutional rights of citizens, income tax audits or other income tax investigations to be initiated or conducted in a discriminatory manner."

    That's an except from Article 2(1) of the Nixon Impeachment articles.

    In fact, review those articles and see how many apply directly to our current president, Martin.

    I believe my "logic" is just fine, thanks.


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