Monday, May 20, 2013

David Madore needs to run for Congress.

We are cursed with a do-nothing representative, a cartoon caricature of a genuine Member of Congress.

One of the biggest concerns of the American people should be the confusion of motion to the ratio of actual action on the part of those in the political realm.

With Jaime Herrera-Beutler, there's a monumental amount of MOTION, and practically zero ACTION.

Herrera isn't even all that talented at the nuances of playing small-ball.  As I suggested at the time, the idiocy of her bill to rip the Pearson Air Museum out of the Federal Park people's control was going precisely no where, fast... a showcase entirely designed to fool the people of her district... us... into thinking this self-centered brat actually gave a damn about us.  And nowhere is precisely where it went.

Her scripted tongue-lashing of lame-duck and outgoing Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood was all for show, and it accomplished nothing.  How did it change one iota of the CRC Scam?

It's just like the CRC Scammers claiming they've had "12,000" public contacts, without adding that, by policy, they ignored them all, and not one of them made any difference.

The questions to ask are these:

1.  What bill(s) have you introduced to kill this project?

2.  What bill(s) have you introduced to put a minimum height on this bridge?

3.  What bill(s) have you introduced to strip light rail out of this project?

4.  What bill(s) have you introduced to require a vote of the people of Clark County?

Here's the answers, for the informationally challenged:

None, none, none.... and none.  And the answer is "none" because she wants this scam built, as is, and WITHOUT giving us any say-so.

Why do you think Herrera and Brancaccio are BFF's?

Jaime Herrera-Beutler earned the nicknames I gave her of "Ridgefield Barbie" and the "Camas Manikin."

The woman doesn't even bother to own a home in her district.

Her unfortunate tenure in elective politics, which started when Cathy McMorris-Rogers interfered with the process here by setting up a deal with then Commissioner Marc Boldt, who in turn made the deal on her appointment to the legislature with Axel Swanson, a senior staffer employed using much the same processes as Sen. Don Benton's hiring utilized after his unceremonious expulsion from the Cowlitz County Commission, has been utterly worthless.

On PAPER, she's perfect.

College educated, half-Hispanic, former championship athlete, now glowingly pregnant.... what's not to like?

Besides the fact she gets nothing accomplished, never worked in the private sector, never employed anyone, never had a business, frequently votes based on her gender; has repeatedly voted to jack up the debt ceiling to bury us in debt, has, apparently, only had a single bill passed in the now 6 years we've been cursed to have her in office representing this area?

Herrera-Beutler is all talk.  She talks.  And talks...   and DOES nothing.

Given the well-known GOP "Hispanic deficit," you'd THINK Boehner would have her on every network, all the time: one of the lead young guns, showing that diversity the GOP is willing to sell out to claim.  But she shows up on TV with the frequency of her appearances at town hall meetings.

Not at all.

And folks, there's a reason they keep this woman in lock-down: and that's because their calculus is that her talking causes much more damage than gain.

It's not, however, what she's done that a reason to get rid of her, although it was more than enough reason to keep her from ever getting the office.

Her unflinching support of the entirety of the Columbia River Crossing, including tolls, light rail and the whole package is, in and of itself, enough reason to get rid of her... by itself.  But her inaction, her smoke-blowing, her cowardice... those ARE the reasons she should be removed.

And that's where David Madore comes in.

Like Madore or hate him (And yes, the fringe-left nutters and the local rag DO hate him; first, because he's a Republican, second, because he's a Christian and third, because he opposes the CRC Scam.) he ACTS.  He DOES.

Herrera... doesn't.

Madore's background is everything Herrera's is not.

Madore cared enough about his country to serve it in uniform.  He's built a business and employed dozens and dozens of people.  He owns a home and has raised a family.

He's an engineer, if memory serves... and his is a staunch, obvious and unlike Herrera, and honest opposition to light rail.

In the 4 months plus he's been in office, he's impacted the CRC Scam more than Herrera has in 6 years of "representing " us.

Remember, kids: as of a few days ago, her number one campaign donor?

Bridge contractor Kiewit.

The bogus sturm and drang of the Benton hiring notwithstanding, it's time for Madore to step up and take this waste of skin out.  He can do it, he can self-fund, Herrera being in the pocket of the CRC types won't scare him and when he gets there, HE can kill the federal funding for this rip off and force Oregon to accept a 3rd and 4th Bridge.

It's not difficult.  It CAN be done.  And as each day goes by that Herrera sits on her ass and does nothing, it becomes more imperative that he do so.

1 comment:

Jacob said...

One of my ideas is to get Moeller to run for the 3rd CD along with Madore. Moeller will get the democratic nomination and Madore can cruise to victory at the polls if he is up against Moeller. We get Jamie gone,Moeller is gone and we have Madore in congress.