Friday, May 10, 2013

Another proof of Brancaccio's rank hypocrisy: what is GREAT now, was BAD when it was Baird.

There are many things in life we can count on: the sun comes up in the morning, Obama doing his very best to mirror Lenin, and Lou Brancaccio's rank hypocrisy.

Now, Stephanie, pay attention so you can do a blog post about how YOUR hypocrite changes HIS tune, here's a few excerpts from his articles on Brian Baird's town hall phobia to tune you up:

Because you're a dull-normal type, Rice, here's the article's title:  
Views on Tuesday’s town hall meeting

And here's the date:

Wednesday, August 19, 2009 | 8:46 a.m.

Now even a cretin like Rice can find it.

First, he gives credit to Baird for even showing up.

How much credit did he give to Commissioners Madore and Mielke for just showing up?  They didn't have to.

They didn't have to sit there and take 6 hours of fringe-left bullshit from scum like Montague, Pollard. Barnes and that ilk who KNOW there's nothing they can do about this hire, since it was completely legal.

And then, he pats the crowd on the back:
But much of the credit also goes to the large crowd gathered for the town hall meeting. It certainly had the potential of getting out of hand. It didn't. Quite the opposite, Clark County showed other parts of the country how to disagree in a way that is part of the definition of democracy.
Sorry.  I had no idea that the morons... and the scum... who showed up to spew the hatred Brancaccio has helped to stir up "disagreed in a way that is part of the definition of democracy."

In fact, their conduct was shameful.  Commissioner Stuart's conduct in allowing their mob mentality to shine through?


Brancaccio certainly doesn't want to hear from me.  So why he would write:
We'd love to hear from you on this, especially those who may have attended the meeting.
That same day, this slimeball posted up what he, apparently, considered to "the rules" for the town hall meeting: 
Passion Encouraged

At this evening's town hall meeting, respect how others view your approach

Tuesday, August 18, 2009 | 1:00 a.m.

What kind of conversation, and what kind of behavior, will unfold at tonight's 7 p.m. town hall meeting on health care reform, hosted by U.S. Rep. Brian Baird, D-Vancouver?

That's difficult to predict. There's never been a local town hall meeting in a facility as large as the Amphitheater at Clark County. We would encourage passion, but one person's passion is another person's inappropriate behavior. How can you tell? Well, admittedly that isn't easy but try to respect how others might perceive your approach. It should be about those around you and how they feel and not you.

And please remember that those coming to this meeting have an opportunity to take the moral high ground. What do we mean by that? Well, you don't want to give Baird an "I told you so" moment, as in "I really didn't want to hold one of these because I suspected how bad it could get. And I was right. I told you so." Rather give him an "I was wrong" moment, as in, "I thought this thing might get out of hand but you know what? I was pleased with how everyone reacted. I was wrong."

Another recommendation is to do a little homework, not only about your views on health care reform but Baird's, too. Details are on the health care page of his Web site, which we've reduced to this simple online address:
Odd, isn't it?  Did this fringe-left scumbag write anything like this before the Commissioner meeting?

Of course not.  Scum of the earth rarely avoid their own hypocrisy.

No one, apparently, "appreciated" Commissioner Madore and Commissioner Mielke's willingness to put up with Brancaccio's crap... and his crew's crap with him.

It's not just that Brancaccio and Rice are hypocrites: hell, anyone awake for the past week knows that.

But now, we're going to see how far that hypocrisy goes: Rice, who had no trouble at all bitching like a cut cat because Madore is looking at implementing the Vancouver Comment Plan her and her ilk loved so much, went out of her way to dredge up Madore's complaints about what  Leave-it did to censor comments.

Never mind that what Madore is advocating silences no one.

So now, we've got evidence of Brancaccio's hypocrisy and fringe-left take.

Is that simple idiot Rice going to do anything about this?

Of course not.  She ain't got the integrity... OR the guts.

1 comment:

Jack said...

That's why willamette Week didn't offer Rice a job.