Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Another democrat cover-up by the Columbian: Sen. Brian Hatfield's son was committing rapes on his own step brother; Hatfield knew... and did nothing.

So, where's the story, Lou?

Here.  Let me help you with that:
Posted: 6:53 p.m. Friday, May 3, 2013

State senator's son arrested for rape

Brian Hatfield
Brian Hatfield
Sen. Brian Hatfield, a Democrat, has served in the state Legislature since 1994. He represents people in southwest Washington, and now his 14-year-old son is facing charges of rape and child molestation.
According to court documents obtained by KIRO 7 Eyewitness News, the senator's 14-year-old son sexually assaulted a juvenile victim.
Brady Hatfield is facing four counts of first-degree rape of child, and four counts of first-degree child molestation.
The crimes allegedly occurred between November 2012 to February 2013.
Court documents indicated the sexual assaults happened at one home in Lewis County and a house in Pacific County.
Prosecutors believe in  February, the victim's mother walked in on inappropriate contact between the two boys.
The victim told his mother about "numerous times of abuse."
According to court documents, the victim's mother shared that information with Sen. Hatfield, but neither she nor Sen. Hatfield called to report the allegations to police.
It was two and a half months later when another child at one the boy's schools learned what happened and reported it to an adult who informed authorities.
The victim's mother then told police that Sen. Hatfield had been attempting to enter his son Brady into therapy and would also be contacting authorities in Lewis County.
The victim however admitted no call to police had ever been made.     
KIRO 7 attempted to reach Sen. Hatfield for comment about the allegations against his son and to ask why police had never been notified, but we have been unable to reach him.
Brady Hatfield has refused to speak to detectives on advice of his attorney.  Brady has been released to the custody of his father but is expected back in the Lewis County juvenile court next week.
According to court documents, the victim's mother shared that information with Sen. Hatfield, but neither she nor Sen. Hatfield called to report the allegations to police. 

Are you fricking kidding me?

Hatfield, of course, should be forced to resign and be held accountable both criminally and civily.

Will the paper run it NOW?????


  1. Anonymous9:31 PM

    Richard Thompson, KIRO TV, and someone within the Lewis County Court System will be held liable for illegally distributing, obtaining and publishing sealed court information regarding a minor child.

    And, I am not Kidding you!!!

    Perhaps this is why, since it is a violation of the law, some within the media are not looking for illegal sensational reporting!!!

  2. There are a dozen different ways this story could have been reported without violating any rules.

    But the reporting of the story, right or wrong, isn't the issue.

    The issue is that a sitting state senator, a father, stood by after learning that HIS son raped his own step brother, and did nothing.

    And that the Columbian didn't report it?

    Well, that had no trouble reporting Kevin Gary's sealed agreement, did they?

  3. I don't need to know about some buggery between boys. Dude, you don't either.

  4. You should enjoy this from the Lazy C

    Lew Waters ‏@LewWaters 47m
    Why doesn't the Lazy C find a Dem State Sen. Son arrest for rape newsworthy? http://tinyurl.com/c7owxyj Too busy bashing Benton, Mielke, Madore?
    11:11 AM - 8 May 13 • Details

    1. Marissa Harshman ‏@col_health 40m
    @LewWaters Because that state senator doesn't represent, or reside in Clark County. He represents the 19th Legislative District.

    2. Lew Waters ‏@LewWaters 22m
    @col_health Pam Roach doesn't represent or reside in Clark County either, she's in the 31st, but she is often news.

    3. Amy Libby ‏@SparkleDogToo 15m
    Lew if it moves on the wire, I will put it on the site (as I would have anyway). No sign so far. @LewWaters @col_health

    4. Marissa Harshman ‏@col_health 13m
    @LewWaters Yes, when she's taking action relevant to Clark County -- CRC & petition signatures, for example.

  5. Martin: I'm not interested in the details. I AM interested in Hatfield's failure to act and how that failure put others at risk.

    That you, apparently, are not is certainly your business.

    Lew: I'll be blogging on this in a few minutes...

  6. So if we find out your boys have been up to the nasty, and you handled the situation yourself, it's news?!

    I did domestic issues at the Legal Clinic: the line between deviant behavior and “experimentation” is grey at best. I wouldn’t pounce on the dad no matter what political points it might earn.

  7. If you had read the story, martin, you would have found out that it hadn't BEEN handled.

    If it HAD been "handled, we wouldn't know that the 14 year olde had been charged with 8 first degree felonies.

    Everyone has different parenting ideas. Mine are to make sure that my children are protected. That it may have been a step brother committing these raps (And, as pointed out in the charges, there were multiple rapes that took place) does not excuse it or mitigate it.

    You have your view: I have mine. In the end, it's pretty clear that Hatfield knew. It's pretty clear his wife knew. And it's pretty clear they did nothing.

    That may be peachy for you: not so much for me.

  8. Martin, since when is an arrest not public knowledge?

    Why keep one a secret?

    Because he's a Democrat?


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