Friday, April 12, 2013

Well, wadaja know: Herrera's alive after all.

As the wheels start rolling of the CRC bus, our coward of a congresswoman has been strangely absent.  Not a Jaime's been stirring, not even a mouse!

Remember when she was running for re-election?  You know, how much her "actions (as if there's been any) were going to be guided by the results of the CScam election?

Well, except for writing a few letters asking a few questions that accomplish nothing, what has she done?

Zip.  Nada.  Nullgates.

I've been beating on the fake cardboard cutout like a garbage can lid.  Instead of wasting time on the insignificant issue of the Pearson Museum by dropping a DOA bill that's going precisely no where, she needs to have been beating on the administration, on LaHood and on Inslee to get then to wise up... while simultaneously killing every nickel for this rip off.

Instead, what does she do?

Nothing.  Hide.  Run.  Become a sound version of a black hole.

Until today.  

Today, she sounds like a different version of the CRC Scammer she's always been... and that he criminal neglect of her constituents shows her to be.  She lies like they do:
Herrera Beutler acknowledge that the Interstate 5 Bridge does pose a safety risk to the public.
Something completely dis-proven by Don Wagner when HE said:
Wagner said he has no doubts the existing crossings are safe, so much so that he drives and cycles across the spans without hesitation.

"If we don't have an earthquake of any magnitude, those two bridges are going to stay there until something hits them," he said.
This from a column Lou Brancaccio, no less, wrote himself.

The rest of it is her usual, worthless pap... insignificant patty-cake garbage that has words, but says nothing.

Meanwhile, others more local are getting it done, while this waste of skin sits on her thumb and does nothing.

Herrera Beutler: ‘Take a little bit longer’
At a time when supporters of the CRC are counting on continued momentum to keep the project going, many Republican lawmakers are asking the community to take a pause, reconsider the project one last time, and even tweak its design. They say slowing down and thinking things over now won’t delay the bridge project a generation.
Changing the project won’t jeopardize the region’s ability to replace the Interstate 5 Bridge, Herrera Beutler said in an a recent interview with The Columbian.
“It’s not true to say the money can’t come if we take a little bit longer,” Herrera Beutler said. “It’s simply not true.”
Herrera Beutler said that according to the project’s own documents, the CRC will only save one minute of commute time for drivers heading southbound in morning rush hour.
“What are we getting for this?” she asked. “In what area of government services do we allow for that kind of mediocrity?”
Commuters would save an estimated eight minutes on the commute back into Vancouver in the evening.
Herrera Beutler said light rail can work in high-density cities such as New York, but it’s not right for Vancouver.
“Clark County isn’t downtown Portland,” Herrera Beutler said. “We look different on purpose. We’re proud of our identity.”
Herrera Beutler acknowledge that the Interstate 5 Bridge does pose a safety risk to the public. She said she’ll continue to work to replace it with a design that better fits Clark County’s needs.
“Our need for a bridge doesn’t go away if this bridge design gets scrapped,” Herrera Beutler said. “The responsibility I have to our region as a federal representative is to make sure we have an I-5 bridge that’s safe. That’s probably the first thing on everybody’s mind.”

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