Saturday, April 13, 2013

That popping sound you've been hearing tonight? Democrat/CRC Scammer heads exploding.

It's beginning to look like it's time to wiz on the fire and call in the dogs if you're one of those unfortunates who dreamt of bending this community over to get the biggest waste of money in the history of the NW United States built.

The next two Novembers will provide adequate opportunity to hold the swine shilling this idiocy accountable.

# cities and the county had the guts to come out in formal opposition to this most massive rip off: Washougal, Yacolt, and Woodland.

Tim "The Liar" Leave-it sees it's likely he's crushed his own political career.... for nothing.  His bridge-contractor employer is probably not all that happy with him, his multiple conflicts of interest notwithstanding.  Years of lies... a campaign of rank dishonesty... and it's going up in smoke as I write this.

Steve Stuart, a huge CRC Scammer: a man who could have stood up to this rip off instead did everything he could to facilitate it.

Former County Commissioner Democrat Marc Boldt lost everything because he was fooled into sheer, unadulterated idiocy that flew into the face of the will of the voters of this county.

Additionally, now would be a great time to get rid of everyone who voted for this garbage on the CScam Board and the Regional Transportation Board.  Now we have a whole passel of city council types to torpedo: Jeannie Harris, Bill Ganley, Paul Greenlee, Joyce Lindsay, Philip Johnson, Jack Burkman, Bart Hansen and Alex Reinhold among others.

Ron Oslow, Mayor of Ridgefield should also be bounced out:  As should the nest of city council people who put their own narrow self-interests ahead of the people they represent.

Note that all of these people have a great many things in common: their democrat party affiliation.

Odd, isn't it, how hard these scum have worked to take this decision out of the hands of the people, primarily because they know damned well we'd vote it down.

Commissioner Madore has indicated that a county-wide vote will be taking place this year.  As a someone whop isn't a democrat, Madore seems to actually care what the people think and want... and example that morons like Jim Moeller, Annette Cleveland, Sharon Wylee and the chief local moron, Jay "where's my helmet" Inslee... who is heading to another in the series of political defeats his low rent positions so deserve.


Has a nice ring to it.

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