Saturday, April 27, 2013

More lies from Jamie Herrera.

Most don't know what I know:

That our congresswoman completely favors the CRC Scam.

How do I know that?

Simple: ask yourself:

"What has Jaime Herrera done to stop the CRC?"

Absolutely nothing.

So, when I see this tripe in the paper, I literally want to blow chunks.
"The people are the bosses and government agencies work as servants -- not the other way around," Herrera Beutler said.
The 3rd District representative said she is working to hold government in line on important issues like the Columbia River Crossing project.
"I had Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood in front of me, and we are being told by him and many others that we have to accept this project as it is," Herrera Beutler said. "I don't take my marching orders from secretaries in D.C. I take my orders from people here."

Then why do you support replacing the bridge?

Why do you support tolls?

Why haven't you dropped legislation to get rid of loot rail?  it's not like you don't know how: you screwed up royally with your moronic, grandstanding play on the Pearson Museum... and how'd that work out for you?

The fact is that Herrera should not have even been invited to this soiree.

You remember that our local GOP rightfully sanctioned Marc Boldt for his slavish support of the CRC Scam.

No support.  No money.  Not even a mention in the CCRP website.

So, what does our cardboard cutout do?

She endorses Boldt, a slap in the face of the entire GOP organization here locally.

I get that she owes Marc, since Boldt is the one who did Cathy McMorris a favor and quietly arranged to get Herrera the appointment that launched her stunningly worthless political career.  But to reward her with an appearance at the Lincoln Day Dinner?

Th3ere's no excuse for that.

So, when Herrera lies, like she did tonight, part of that is the local GOP's fault.  Because they countenance that sort of thing by refusing to accept the reality: Herrera is completely in the tank for the CRC Scam because frankly, although she's had 3 years to do so, she's done absolutely nothing to stop it.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Why? Well.... Jaime Herrera Beutler top contributor is Kiewit Corp., the premier highway and bridge building company in this country.


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