Friday, April 26, 2013

More idiocy on the CRC Scam from Rep. Jim "Molehill" Moeller and Sen. Annette "Liar" Cleveland (Communist - 49)

It's tough, apparently, to live in a delusion.  The CRC is dead.  And the dead are rarely bargaining chips.

Two clueless morons from the 49th actually believe they can ignore the will of the people of this county while ignoring the fact that 4 of the 5 senators representing us, including the Senate Transportation Co-Chair, hate this rip off with a passion.  They act like this fact doesn't exist... like they're in some sort of parallel universe.

The entire point of this program is to rip the CRC to shreds entirely so the federal funding, which our clueless moron of a congresswoman SHOULD have stopped years ago, vaporizes and kills this project; finally, irrevocably and permanently.

Molehill and Liar know this: they also know that Kitzhaber foolishly executed his own program by laying bare the obviously false claims that this is about safety, or earthquakes, or congestion or freight mobility... since to him, the ONLY reason to build this crap pile is to get loot rail into Clark County.

The democratian knows this as well.  Why they would publish this knowingly false tripe just fits into their years-long pattern of lies, distortions and exaggerations..

As legislators debate their budgets, CRC could be bargaining chip

By Lucas Wiseman The Columbian/Murrow News Service
OLYMPIA — With only three days until the end of the regular legislative session, one party on Thursday declared its work completed, while the other said only half the work has been done.
“As of today, the Majority Coalition Caucus has completed its business, and is waiting on the House,” said Sen. Don Benton, R-Vancouver, speaking for his Republican-led coalition at a press conference Thursday afternoon.
The statement made Rep. Jim Moeller, D-Vancouver, laugh. Both parties in the Legislature have introduced their budgets, and now it’s time for everyone to work on a compromise, he said.
Sen. Annette Cleveland, D-Vancouver, agreed that nobody’s work is done at this point.
“You don’t get to say ‘We did our budget, now we’re done’ without working on a compromise between the two plans,” Cleveland said.
The Senate coalition’s operating budget, approved by nine Democrats and 23 Republicans, proposes roughly $1.2 billion in cuts, while the House plan raises $900 million in new revenue by closing tax loopholes and making temporary tax breaks permanent.
“We simply don’t need new taxes to do the work of the people, our budget has shown that,” Benton said, criticizing the House Democrats’ plan.

1 comment:

  1. The key thing missing, neither Moeller nor Cleveland have indicated any willingness to compromise on anything.

    Screw them calling for compromise.


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