Friday, April 26, 2013

Another counter-productive, smarmy idiotic editorial from the Oregonian.

When this deal gets killed here in the next few days, are these people going to go up in smoke like a bunch of self-ignited IED's?

Even after Kitzhaber fired a howitzer through the brain of this project by proving everything the CRC Scammers were saying about this rip off is a lie and that it was ENTIRELY a loot rail project and nothing more, scum like the Oregonian Editorial Board crap out garbage like this.

It's almost like that Scumbag Molehill wrote this tripe, another series of lie after lie after lie.

Here's a clue, O: if we need your advice, we'll ask for it.  Otherwise, shut the fuck up.

Hey, Olympia: Suck it up and help build the CRC

The Oregonian Editorial BoardBy The Oregonian Editorial Board  Follow on Twitter 
on April 25, 2013 at 4:46 PM, updated April 25, 2013 at 5:33 PM

View full sizeEarlier this month in Olympia, U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood, left, emphasized the need for Washington legislators to fund the CRC. He was accompanied by Washington Gov. Jay Inslee.
Hey, Olympia: Suck it up. 

It's time to look beyond the late-coming doubters of theColumbia River Crossing, the vocal minority in Vancouver that irrationally fears the arrival of Portland crime via light rail, the few who insist the CRC will bankrupt two states and kill jobs and leave Clark County in hollow ruin.

It's also time to ignore the righteous self-celebrations of a Vancouver senator who this month posted on his website that he and others handed U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood his hat -- this after LaHood traveled to Olympia to underscore the economic importance to the region of building the CRC and to note the U.S. stood ready to pay at least $750 million of the costs.

Olympia, it's time to listen to your new and smart governor, Jay Inslee, and pony up your share. 

We recognize money challenges of the day. Transportation infrastructure is needy across Washington. Public schools throughout the state must receive more support, per court order. And yet Washington's budget, barring new sources of revenue, bleeds. 

But the CRC is an integral part of the economic engine driving Northwest life. 

Read: Jobs. 

At first, in construction. Then, down the line, in industries and businesses here and around the Puget Sound that depend on the timely movement of freight. And, significantly, in the thousands of commuters now struggling to get to work and return home on time in cars aimed at both Portland and Vancouver. 

The present spans lack the capacity to do the job. They are seismically unsafe. And their narrowed lanes are implicated in a high incidence of accidents.

More, if you've got a strong stomach.

That these scumbags would ever even use the word "smart" and "governor" in the same sentence to describe Inslee shows how monumentally ignorant these asswipes are, how there's no lie they won't keep repeating and how they shouldn't be let out in public without keepers.

Continuing to print this series of lies while engaging in personal attacks against one of the key players on the senate transportation committee accurately mirrors the stupidity exhibited by that slimeball governor of Oregon when he shotgunned this project with no difficulty a few short days ago, not swayed by ANY of the lies in this editorial, save the demand that loot rail be included... or no deal.

The slimeballs writing this bullshit had BETTER get used to this fact: it ain't happenin'.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:09 PM

    It's only natural for the Oregonian to want this: It's a sweeeeeeeetheart deal for them = they get Tri-Met bailed out AND 1 billion in infrastructure improvements for the bargain basement price of 450 million. Who pays the remainder? Those of us who have to cross that bridge every day.


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