Sunday, April 07, 2013

In his career death throes, Laird devolves into Cro-Moron man.

As John Laird's career thankfully circles the toilet of his end days here, there's no despicable behavior this scumbag won't engage in... or that chief maggot Lou Brancaccio won't allow him to indulge.  Brancaccio, of the obviously hypocritical "can we all be civil to each other columns??" has allowed this punk free reign in his soon to be deleted efforts to attack, belittle and generally Rule 5 those wide enough to oppose his dream of raping the wallets of the people of Clark County for decades to come for no reason this weasel can provide.

Multiple sources have told me of Scott Campbell's near firing of Brancaccio because of his demonstrated characteristics of being a bully to almost everyone who works for him, where Campbell required Brancaccio to personally apologize to many on the Lazy C's staff past and present, for the way he's dealt with them.

Unfortunately, Campbell, apparently, has failed to require dillwad Brancaccio to apologize to those in the public he's attacked, belittled and verbally assaulted through his column.

Instead, we get a grade-A asshole like that little fricking worm Laird calling those of us wise enough to oppose his idiocy (such opposition looking increasingly successful of late) reduced to referring to us as "cockroaches."

What this little scumbag doesn't get in his nazi-like fanaticism for this extortion plot designed to screw the people out of billions of dollars is that it's ALWAYS better to do nothing than it is to do something, when the "something" you want to do is the WRONG thing.

Here's a clue, you fricking idiot: that officials in the 3 counties across the river from us in Oregon are a part of this scam and don't want an additional, and even this idiot knows, inevitable 3rd and 4th bridge, means no more than you support of the current extortion.

In other words, what they want should NEVER mean more than what WE want.

As one of the more typical white males, you attitude that when rape is inevitable, we should relax and enjoy it, shows a level of stupidity and arrogance rare in print today.... but typical on fringe-left web sites... for example, anything backed by Soros.

The fault for this screed, however, does not rest with Laird.  He can no more help it than a pedophile helps what he does at a day care center.

The fault rests with Brancaccio and Campbell.  They are the one's directly responsible for this slimewad's continued employment.

Over the years this cancer on our community has been allowed to grow and fester, those with two functioning neurons have grown to expect this kind of sewage from this scumbag's keyboard.

And notice this scumbag's comment on his own column?
No, asshole, it isn't.  And that you come on after you print it and then try and cover for your idiocy by labeling something that you MEANT to be "humor" shows that you know it.

Here's the deal, asswipe: if you have to TELL us this is a "humor column," then it ain't funny.

And unfortunately, you've been this kind of an asshole for years, so we know one thing:

You mean every word of this.

And it ain't funny. And here's my censored response... censored by the democratian, that is:

But the lack of decisive control over this idiot's columns?

That begins and ends with Campbell, the publisher; and Brancaccio, the psychotic actually running this rag.

Which is why I will never buy this used toilet paper, and I do all I can to avoid patronizing the businesses stupid enough to advertise (this support) this kind of detritus against the majority of the community.

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