Sunday, April 07, 2013

Democratian scummery continues.

As the Columbian's efforts at character assassination against the highest profile opponent of the CRC scam never stops, we get today's idiocy.

A hypocritical scorecard of sorts concerning Commissioner David Madore's campaign and the promises he made there-in.

The hypocrisy of it, of course, is that they never hold democrats accountable for THEIR "promises."

And, of course, they've certainly made no effort to hold that blithering waste of skin in the White House accountable for HIS lies... or for that matter, our two local liars of note, Tim "The Liar" leave-it and Steve Stuart, both of who used lies and falsehoods to get elected or re-elected.

They're democrats, of course, so they get a pass.

Commissioner Madore has been in office for all of 3 months, yet these scum are checking out 4 years worth of promises in one short quarter.

The time to ask these questions is as the re-election campaign heats up.

They know that, of course.  But this is just another effort by this scumrag to undermine Madore's anti-CRC position.  It's as despicable as "journalism" gets.

We eagerly await, but will never see, a similar effort on the part of every other elected official around here.

Hypocritical scum.

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