Monday, March 04, 2013

When the president is a liar.

It's bad enough to be a clueless moron while you're running the country.

But to lie as a part of your policy approach?

Friday, the Liar-in-Chief babbled thus: .

Sequester spin: Obama’s false claim of Capitol janitors receiving ‘a pay cut’

at 03:27 PM ET, 03/01/2013

(Charles Dharapak — AP)
“Starting tomorrow everybody here, all the folks who are cleaning the floors at the Capitol. Now that Congress has left, somebody’s going to be vacuuming and cleaning those floors and throwing out the garbage. They’re going to have less pay. The janitors, the security guards, they just got a pay cut, and they’ve got to figure out how to manage that. That’s real.”
— President Obama, news conference, March 1, 2013
This column has been updated with a new Pinocchio rating (Now 4 Pinocchios)
This was a pretty evocative image the president offered at his news conference Friday on the sequester — janitors sweeping the empty halls of the Capitol, laboring at less pay.
When we first heard his remarks, we thought he was perhaps overstating matters. Even at federal agencies that have planned furloughs, none are expected to begin on Saturday; such actions are weeks away at many federal agencies. But that’s perhaps a minor rhetorical overreach.
But then our colleague Ed O’Keefe obtained the sequester plan released by the Architect for the Capitol, which employs Capitol Hill janitors on the House side. (The Sergeant at Arms employs the janitorial staff on the Senate side.) UPDATE: Obama’s remarks also prompted a warning from AOC officials that his comments were “not true.”
The Facts
We have embedded an image of the first AOC document below. Stephen T. Ayers, the  architect of the Capitol, listed a number of steps being taken to reduce expenses, including limiting new hiring and postponing repairs. This line jumped out at us: “We do not anticipate furloughs for AOC employees as a result of Sequestration.”


The president, then, is a liar.  As Tim "The Liar" Leave-it's hero, I'm sure that @OneTermTim has been thrilled by the incompetence, lack of vision, and inability to govern.

Meanwhile, we're stuck with the most powerful man on the planet acting as a mindless idiot, lying through HIS teeth to get HIS policies jammed down our throats... not unlike our local CRC.

Two ego-maniacs, separated by the power of an office, but otherwise separated at birth.  Who knows, maybe Timmy was the black sheep of the family?


Why is it that we're "broke," but that even SIMPLER idiot Secretary of State can fork over $250 million (that the empty suited, anti-anti-American racist bigot in the White House would make us believe we DON'T have) to a bunch of islamic thugs with terrorist sympathies?

Our leaders lead because we have faith in them.  While a half-step away from a communist, there is no doubt that the American people believed in Roosevelt during our darkest days in World War 2.

But who is left that believes in the lying scumbag running this country?

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