Sunday, March 03, 2013

Moeller continues to live in La-La Land: the CRC funding ain't happening.

Rep. Jim Moeller (Communist-49) needs to get himself checked out... and hopefully, soon.

Reality needs to seep into his chrome dome, and as unpleasant a reality as that is, he needs to wrap himself around it and soon.

While much of what he does is moronic and idiotic in his efforts to damage our community, his insistence that everything's fine with the CRC scam funding is, perhaps, the greatest evidence of his lack of stability.
Republican legislators from Clark County remain critical of the CRC bridge-replacement plan because it includes a light-rail line from Portland to Vancouver, and because its height of 116 feet does not provide enough clearance for some businesses that make large shipments along the Columbia River.

"If the Republicans want to throw stones at the project, there's nothing I can do to stop them," Moeller said. "Thank God the Democrats are in charge, at least in the House, and all we need is 50 votes here and 25 votes in the Senate, and governor's signature, and we'll have a (funding) package."
Moeller said there are a number of legislators from both parties that see value in getting their transportation projects included in a financing package.

"I think it's going to be a process of (political) horse trading," Moeller said.
That, of course, is the problem.  When Moeller "thinks," idiocy happens.

Thank God the GOP is in charge in the Senate to end Moeller's Moronic Muck.

There will be no funding for the CRC rip off if it includes loot rail.  And Oregon won't support it if it doesn't.

The end.

Further, whatever "horse trading" this idiot is talking about has to go both ways.

Like, if the House package minus the CRC scam is approved, Moeller has zero leverage, because most legislators in this state outside this area see this as an opportunity to take the $450 million the 11 Republicans in Clark County don't want wasted on this scam and put it to their own uses.

Interesting to see that Moeller is the go-to slime when the democratian wants someone to shill their agenda.  Odd they didn't ask anyone about GOP opposition to this rip off.

Wonder why that is?

And of course his favorite bills involve gays.  Those and unions are all he represents.

1 comment:

  1. "[A]ll we need is ... 25 votes in the Senate" !!!

    Your point that there was no opposing voice condemns the whole process.


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