Monday, March 11, 2013

The democratian's slavish devotion to Herrera: another sign she supports the CRC scam?

Generally, Brancaccio and the rest of the scum at the democratian hate you if you oppose their absurd agenda.

That's just one of the reasons why their slavish devotion to our empty-suited moron in Congress is so troubling.

Jaime Herrera has been utterly worthless since she parachuted back in here as a result of the deal worked out between Cathy McMorris (Her boss in DC where she was so useful as the one who got the coffee for her) and Marc Boldt (thankfully FORMER commissioner) who made that scam happen and the fact that this is a district which would elect my Cavalier to office as long as he had an "R" after his name.

She was worthless and accomplished nothing in Olympia.  She was worthless and accomplished nothing in DC.  She's lied repeatedly about what she was going to do on the CRC scam, and she's too much of a coward to hold open town hall meetings.

So, a few days back she, apparently, gave someone a medal.

She shouldn't have touched it, of course: a general officer should have made the award.

But with Herrera, it's never about doing what's right: it's always, always instead about her.

Take this article, for example:

Off Beat: Herrera Beutler delivers veteran's long-overdue medal

U.S. Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler, R-Camas
A Southwest Washington soldier risked his life during the Korean War to save an Army officer from certain death.
Almost 60 years later, a local lawmaker was able to give that soldier the medal he deserved.
U.S. Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler recently presented a Silver Star to Bill Wuorinen. The 82-year-old veteran lives in Naselle, on the western edge of the state's 3rd Congressional District.
The Camas Republican has helped other veterans obtain replacement medals and commendations, but nothing as significant as the Silver Star, said spokesman Casey Bowman.
Longview Daily News reporter Barbara LaBoe offered some details. Wuorinen was among 150 soldiers defending a hilltop outpost against an eight-hour Chinese assault on March 17, 1953. Some attackers made it through the barbed wire and overran a platoon. After an American colonel was shot, Wuorinen and another soldier braved enemy gunfire and dragged the officer back to their trench.
They took turns defending their position and performing first aid to keep the colonel alive until the attackers were beaten back.
Wuorinen did so well at first aid that it initially cost him a medal. The colonel and the other soldier received Silver Stars. But the officer mistakenly believed that Wuorinen was a medic, just doing his job.
Folks in Naselle who supported his cause, including students and American Legion officials, notified Herrera Beutler's staff.

Like Herrera is a congresswoman, just doing her job.


And see, here's the thing:

This article isn't really about the hero in question: hell, they didn't even put his picture in it.  No, it's another session of wearing out knee pads in front of this waste of skin.

And see, I've got to wonder:

If Ridgefield Barbie is opposed to THE number one project these clowns want...

... then why are they giving this vacuous, brainless manikin this kind of coverage?

Could it be that it's because she supports this scam?

It's hard not to draw that conclusion: Tim "The Liar" Leave-it kicked her political face off, she promised to be guided in her actions by the outcome of the CScam vote.

She's got time to waste on a Pearson Museum bill that will never see the light of day, massive grandstanding for the greater glory of Jaime; she's got time for fund-raisers, she's got time to throw us under a bus by voting with the democrats... but she's too much of a coward to hold open town hall meetings and she has had, apparently, no time to spike the funding for the CRC rip off.

What SHOULD have happened is that Herrera's staff (Herrera herself knew nothing about this, of course) should have looked into it, made sure it happened, and then handed it off to the nearest active duty flag officer.

And they should have done it without notifying the press.

And, of course, this should have been written about the hero in question... and not about the bimbette from Ridgefield.

Makes one wonder why they're doing all this... a more or less constant state of image repair for that moron.


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