Monday, March 11, 2013

Rising political star Dr. Ben Carson talks about The Columbian Newspaper.. whoda thunk it?

Who knew he was even aware the Columbian newspaper even existed?

Dr. Benjamin Carson: Media Bullies 'Beat on' Those Who Don't Toe the Line & 'Suppress Freedom of Speech'


Kyle Becker
  • On March 10, 2013
Dr. Benjamin Carson didn’t back down from his controversial speech with President Obama in attendance or his follow-up comments that organizers asked for a copy of his speech beforehand.
The famed pediatric neurosurgeon explained that the president shouldn’t have been offended by his speech. But that didn’t stop some media outlets from asking if his remarks were out-of-line. On Fox, he explained his experience with the media following the speech with host Uma Pemmaraju. Newsbusters provided the transcript:
UMA PEMMARAJU, HOST: Why do you think your message is resonating with so many people?
DR. BENJAMIN CARSON: Because I think there are a lot of people who have been bludgeoned into silence who really feel very strongly about the values of this country, and they don’t think that there is anything they can do now. And finally when somebody speaks up about it, they resonate with that. You know, I’ve gotten so many letters from people who said they had given up, and now they were invigorated again. Every place I go, people come up to me and tell me that. And, you know, it makes me understand that there is a large number of frustrated people out there. They just don’t feel like they’re being represented.
Dr. Carson’s remarks about people craving someone to speak up are amplified by the phenomenal reaction to Rand Paul’s filibuster on the Senate floor. Senator Paul vowed that the filibuster was ‘just the beginning‘ and it is time for the Congress to reassert its role as a check on the executive branch.
The conversation between Dr. Carson and Pemmaraju then steered into the realm of political correctness, and how PC is intimidating people into silence across the nation.
PEMMARAJU: Well, you take aim at political correctness in this country, and you have said somebody has to stand up, quote, to the bullies. Who are the bullies that you’re referring to?
CARSON: The bullies are the people, especially the media who like to just beat on anybody who doesn’t toe the line, who doesn’t say what they’re supposed to say, and act the way they’re supposed to act. And they suppress freedom of speech and freedom of expression and people have succumbed to that.

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