Wednesday, March 13, 2013

I'm concerned that fringe-left Senator Cleveland is on drugs.

I was cruising through the typically stilted democratian coverage of the session to date when I stumbled across this idiocy:
A Plan-B proposal for paying for the CRC is likely still in play, the bill's sponsor, Sen. Annette Cleveland, said Wednesday. That bill would let the state borrow $450 million in bonds for the CRC project. Those bonds would then be repaid through tolling and fuel-tax revenue.

The Vancouver Democrat said she believes the bill is still a contender in the Legislature because the proposal would have significant impacts on the budget.

"If that bill is determined to be necessary to implement the budget, it won't be subject to today's cutoff date," Cleveland said.
I dunno, but it's got to be some fairly high-powered stuff for Cleveland to show off this kind of stupidity.

1.  The CRC is dead.

2.  The GOP controlled Senate will not fund the CRC.

3.  When in doubt, refer to numbers 1 and 2.

This bill is not in play.  Right now, for example, tolls can't even be assigned without legislative approval, and that ain't happening either. But it's a moronic idea from a clueless rookie who, like her compatriots, doesn't give a rat's ass what the people of this community want or can afford.  In short, Cleveland's statement here shows her to be a blithering idiot.

But for Cleveland to believe that her bill has any chance at all is to cause concern that she either has a brain tumor or she's on some sort of substance that cause her to be delusional.

 But then, considering her company from the Communist 49th, maybe that's not unusual.

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