Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Clark County gambling addicts contemplate suicide: Cowlitz take a head shot.

Let the whining and sniveling begin from the local gambling addicts who were more than happy to throw this community under the bus: the fed got its ass kicked in court today.

Federal District Court Judge Barbara Rothstein fired an arrow into the heart of the Cowlitz/Paskenta/Mohegan/Barnett gambling scam today and dealt their reservation-shopping scheme a horrific blow.

One has to wonder: how much more is the Mohegan Tribe, which has their own problems bleeding money, willing to waste on the rip off?

We've known all along that this was a scam to locate a huge casino next to Portland.  It had nothing to do with "tribal lands," because even the scum running the Cowlitz knew their tribal lands actually are in the vicinity of Vader.

Well done to the legal team and the County for backing this effort.

We're well rid of these slime.

And now the whiners will crawl out from under their rocks and weeeeee like little stuck piggies.

Tough.  We dodged a bullet here.

Cowlitz casino plan thrown out by federal judge

An aerial view which includes the proposed site of a Cowlitz casino in Clark County.
An aerial view which includes the proposed site of a Cowlitz casino in Clark County.

In a stunning victory for Clark County, the city of Vancouver and other plaintiffs, a federal judge today struck a possibly fatal blow to the Cowlitz Indian Tribe's plans to build a casino west of La Center.

U.S. District Judge Barbara Jacobs Rothstein reversed herself and tossed out a 2010 Record of Decision, which sends the tribe back to square one. Rothstein dismissed the county's lawsuit against the federal government, which was filed in 2011.

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