Monday, January 28, 2013

Think Jaime Herrera-Beutler is Conservative? Think again.

Jaime Herrera has been an unmitigated disaster as a legislator and congresscritter, ever since Cathy McMorris parachuted her back in here and Marc Boldt arranged to get her the appointment to the House even though she'd been gone for 11 years and had never held a private sector job in her life.

I say "unmitigated" only in the sense that, for whatever the reason, she's been able to play the "bright, shiny object" card so very well that the guys at the Lazy C (And those boys who were PCO's in Cowlitz.... right, Shannon?) were so enamored of this waste of skin.  For one example, from the moment she scammed her way to the appointment, the rag has been portraying her thus:

18th District seat filled by young conservative

Friday, November 30, 2007
BY MICHAEL ANDERSEN, Columbian staff writer

A young "family values" conservative with a glowing résumé was named Thursday to succeed former Rep. Richard Curtis in Washington's 18th Legislative District.

Four of the six commissioners in Clark and Cowlitz counties voted to appoint Jaime Herrera, 29, a Prairie High School graduate working as a legislative aide for U.S. Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers, R-Colville.

"Every step I have taken since high school has been preparing me for this," she said at Thursday's hearing, her voice cracking slightly. "There is not a job in the world I would rather have."  (Except, of course, Congress.... right? -ed) 
And so on...  (The boldfaced print is just one of her many lies)


That's what Herrera ain't.

And who says so now?

THE most worthless Secretary of State this nation generally, and this state particularly, has ever known.

Here is an email from Reed, crowing about the BJ the local rag gave Herrera over dumping GOP principles whenever it suited her... though not so much lately since she's seen a glimpse of Madore's 12 gauge check book aimed at her political career.  Reed, a complete idiot, can't help crow about his success in getting his fellow scum to endorse yet another RINO who views conservatism like it was a yeast infection:

From: Sam S. Reed []
Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2013 2:47 PM
To: Sam S. Reed
Subject: Herrera Beutler shows centrist streak as she ascends in House

Mainstreamers –

            Here’s a good article about Jaime Herrera Beutler.  I remember there were skeptics among the Mainstream Republicans when I advocated that we endorse her in 2010.  She is fulfilling my expectations.


That's right, Sam. She's been a full-blown RINO, as worthless in Congress as you were in Olympia.

The Columbian

Herrera Beutler shows centrist streak as she ascends in House

U.S. Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler, R-Camas
Sunday, January 20, 2013

To say Congresswoman Jaime Herrera Beutler's political career has taken off during the past five years might be an understatement.
In five years' time — the amount of time it takes most college students to earn a bachelor's degree — the Camas Republican became a legislator in the state House of Representatives, successfully ran for Congress twice and recently was named to the U.S. House's coveted federal-spending committee. That appointment gives her more authority over the Columbia River Crossing project.
Part of the 34-year-old's success might come from the fact that her diverse background is seen as advantageous for the Republican Party, especially in a time when the party is working to re-brand itself. But a more important key to her success, her supporters and colleagues say, is that Herrera Beutler is an energetic and practical leader who balances party loyalty with the needs of an often independently minded district.
"People have recognized her as the talent that she is," Herrera Beutler's former boss, U.S. Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers, R-Spokane, said recently. "I'm always impressed that Jaime is quick to speak up, and she recognizes that it's her responsibility to speak up on behalf of the people she represents."
Although Southwest Washington's 3rd Congressional District became more conservative following last year's redrawing of voter boundaries, those across the aisle from Herrera Beutler say her ability to stay in office will depend on whether she's able to distance herself from the rigid conservative ideology that sometimes exists within her party.
There's more to this pap, but this bit of it is sickening enough as it is.

They support her because she's been a liar and a hack FOR the CRC.

Check the record: what, exactly, has she done to stop it or hold those ripping us off accountable?

Absolutely, positively, nothing.

But that's not the point.  The point in this post is that the mainstream slime like Reed are licking her boots.  And they are not doing that because she's a staunch defender of conservatism.

In fact, it's unlikely that Ridgefield Barbie even knows what the word means.

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