Monday, January 28, 2013

RINO Marco Rubio: selling out the GOP.

Strike RINO Marco off the list.

The GOP has many problems these days, and not the least of which are the high profile sell outs who view principle as a speed bump on the way to power.  They see out-democrating the democrats as their path to power.  Well, how'd that work for RINO Rob?

The RINO's like Marc Rubio are only concerned about their abortive efforts to get power.  This crap of giving illegal aliens amnesty and dumping another 20 to 30 million people on us (The illegals here AND their families) isn't about what's best for the county; it's not about what's best for the GOP; it's what's about best for Marco Rubio.

This entire concept of rewarding those who break our laws while doing nothing for those who follow those laws is disgusting.  And I will never vote for anyone who approves this for anything.

Expect Herrera to go along with this program.

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