Tuesday, January 22, 2013

I had no idea that the money from Clark County was not needed by CRUDEC.

Well, the CRUDEC groupies are running around like a herd of headless chickens.  But in all their babble, they provided the one inalienable reason to cut off their money without even know it:  They didn't need it.

From the story:
Nisenfeld said Tuesday that in her 12 years of experience in economic development, she’s never seen a development partner pull funding because of a single issue. Madore has said Clark County government would have to control funding of the CREDC on a month-to-month basis, Nisenfeld noted.
“That’s not how we do partnerships in Clark County,” she said.
Nisenfeld said she wasn’t surprised that Madore and Mielke moved to rescind county funding of the CREDC. “We didn’t think it would come without some further public discussion, however.”
Nisenfeld said she expects the CREDC will be able to continue its work, despite the commission’s action. “Obviously, we need to speak more with the board and our investors, and we’ll have a better idea in the coming weeks, but we’re pretty confident that we’re supported by our business community.”
Then that's $200K the county should have been using elsewhere anyway.

Odd that their definition of "partnership," like most rabid leftists, is "do it our way.... or else."

But that's not all:
“Clearly, such a reduction in funding will have an impact on our ability to deliver services,” Nisenfeld said in a written statement. “However, we are confident in our ability to secure alternative resources.”
Then why all the fuss?

They didn't need the money; the county has withdrawn that money, so what's the big deal?

Again, congrats to Commissioner Mielke and Madore for acting on behalf of the people who matter instead of the special interests who've ruled this place for far too long.

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