Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Congrats to Commissioners Mielke and Madore for killing CREDEC funding, a blow to the downtown mafia.

Part of government, as part of politics, is the fine art of messaging. 

Today, the county commissioners sent CREDEC a message: climb off your light rail support or go without any money from us.

The people of this county, by any available measure, have made their position clear: kill... light... rail.

This naturally brought out the whiners and the hypocrites... particularly One Term Timmy "The Liar" Leave-it, who babbled thus under the article:


Timothy D Leavitt ·  Top Commenter · Vancouver, Washington
As defined by Wikipedia: Bribery is an act of giving money or gift giving that alters the behavior of the recipient.
And who better to know than one of the chief shills for the steaming pile that is the CRC, who just happens to work for one of the CRC companies?

The CRC scam supporters are out in force, ignoring the reality, revising history, engaging in attacks that make it clear that they would ignore the wishes of thee people as well, such brighter lights as Washougal Mayor Sean "Fake Cop" Guard:


  • Sean Guard ·  Top Commenter · University of Washington
    Terrible, terrible move. I am ashamed that two of our elected commissioners clearly have no idea what the
    role of CREDC is, in our community or in the issue of the CRC.

    I am a member of the Board of CREDC. I am happy to make a motion that CREDC advocates for a solution
    to our Interstate Bridge issue, but that the solution does not need to include light rail. In the end, CREDC
    really has no say in what is approved anyway. If that is the way to get the funding restored, ok.

    However, caution to these two commissioners. Extortion is not a great tactic, just as bribing the smaller
    communities turned out to be a bad and illegal tactic.

    CREDC is the ONE and ONLY conduit in Clark County that the State of Washington can funnel economic
    development dollars through. Dollars that help us to stay competitive. Dollars that will just go to some other county
    in the State to assist their efforts.

    It is so painfully obvious that there is only one agenda for Commissioner Madore. CRC/Light Rail, to the
    exclusion of all others.

    Unfortunately, Commissioner Mielke appears fine to do whatever Mr. Madore wishes. There was alot of talk
    earlier about the hope that Mr. Mielke could be his own commissioner and not be talked into agreeing to stuff
    like this. Looks like that is a losing hope as well.

    Amazed that the commissioners wrote that CREDC's "focus has been diluted" by their advocacy of CRC. I do
    not recall being in a board meeting when the topic of CRC has even really been discussed. I would say that
    CREDC's focus is decidedly NOT on CRC, so their focus could hardly have been dilluted.

    Terrible, terrible move. Clark County appears NOT open for business.
    ...See More
Naturally Guard, best known, perhaps, for getting busted impersonating a police officer, would be upset that his pet project's cheerleading team is getting whacked.  And isn't it odd that Guard is so smart and informed, and Mielke/Madore are so ignorant?

Gotta tell you, Sean... if I was Mielke, I'd be liable to throat punch you for this snide bullshit... because after your behavior with the official fake police car, you're hardly in a position to comment on the conduct, personal OR governmental, of others.

Look, Sean, before you get your panties in a bunch, try and understand:

If your little coffee klatch wants the money, then they've got play ball.

You rather stupidly advocate that the county just fork over the check and then shut the fuck up.

Well, guess what?  That ain't happening.  And, of course, you could always pour gasoline on your self and light it in protest.  Actually, I now, officially, feel sorry for the people of Washougal that you're anywhere in government.  I guess Russell was right about you after all.

The sun will come up tomorrow, somewhere.  We will remain in orbit around the sun.  We will will survive both this action and your over-hyped response to it.

Now, what CRUDEC, who tried to rape us all on the ballpark scam, does about this is up to them.  Hopefully, the county will eliminate ALL expenditures to the various leech organizations like this one who are working so hard at cross-purposes to expressed will of the people of this county.

Everyone breathing was aware that the M&O scam tax was a proxy vote on loot rail.  Even in the heretofore reliably pro-CTran gerrymandered tax-district that excluded 60 to 100 thousand rural voters from having a say.... but not from paying the tax... the voters expressed revulsion at the idea of funding this moronic program on loot rail.

The closing observation here is in response to this tripe:
In a statement released Tuesday afternoon, Bill Dudley, chairman of the CREDC Board of Directors, said, "This is a very disappointing action on the part of the Commissioners. CREDC is one of the few venues available for the private sector to partner with the public sector regarding a broad variety of important economic development issues. To withdraw support from the enterprise based on a single issue is unfortunate."
Not nearly as unfortunate at that organization's continuing insistence on flipping off the voters and bill payers of Clark County, like they did in the ballpark scam.

That they insist on doing that is the message here... and it's not just limited to the CRC, although yes, that single issue more than justifies cutting off their funds. 

This is a solid first step.  There are more on the journey of ridding ourselves of both this project... and the scum supporting it.

Well done to our commissioners for this initial shot across the bow of the sinking CRC Leviathan.

1 comment:

  1. And yet, Guard says in the article on the GOP raising the debt ceiling for 3 months,

    "Sean Guard
    Block it, block it, block it. We cannot continue to borrow our way out! Take a stand now!"

    But he and CREDC are more than willing to plunge us into generations of debt over light rail?


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