Monday, December 17, 2012

Thank you so much to all those who wanted legal pot: you finally got somebody killed.

Well done.

It was a matter of time until your morons started causing death and pain and destruction.  If anything, I'm surprised it took so long.

Driver charged with DUI Marijuana after deadly crash in Vancouver

Posted: Dec 17, 2012 8:18 PM PST Updated: Dec 17, 2012 9:39 PM PST 

By FOX 12 Staff - email

VANCOUVER, WA (KPTV) - The Vancouver Police Department arrested a man for Driving Under the Influence of Marijuana in connection with a deadly crash in Vancouver.

Investigators said the driver hit and killed a pedestrian around 5:50 p.m. on East Mill Plain Boulevard and Andresen Road.

Police say the victim, a male in his 50's, was believed to be walking back from Safeway and stepped out into the middle of traffic.

The driver, Scotty Rowles, was driving westbound on East Mill Plain Boulevard and could not stop his car in time, according to police. 

Detectives says Rowles cooperated with the investigation, but after interviewing him they determined there was enough evidence to arrest him on suspicion of driving under the influence of marijuana.

Police believe this is the first traffic fatality involving the drug, since it became legal in the state of Washington.

Police say the victim was close to two different lit and controlled intersections, but chose to step out into the middle of traffic, which would clearly put him at fault.

However, because Rowles was believed to be under the influence of marijuana, Washington State law says he is technically at fault, according to police.

While it may now be legal to smoke marijuana in the state of Washington, police say it is never legal to smoke it and then get behind the wheel.

The victim's ID will be released after police notify his family.

Copyright 2012 KPTV (Meredith Corporation). All rights reserved.


  1. I'm stunned....are you stunned?

  2. For far too long, not records have been kept on fatal accidents where marijuana may have been involved. They're just written off as accidents.

    But, stoners wanted to drug legal, falsely believing they were in better control.

    It wil ltake years before they wise up again, as did Alaska after their experiment of legalizing pot back in the 70's.

  3. For more bang for your buck you should shout about drunk driving fatality statistics and argue for dry laws.

    What's that you say? Prohibition was even worse and led to an enormously powerful criminal underworld?


  4. Like the guy who killed this man, he was responsible... but those who voted for this bill enabled him... and yes, Martin, that means THEY share in the responsibility.

    It's like those moronic enough to vote for the disaster in the White House. THEY share in the responsibility for the decades-long damage that clown has done, is doing and will do.

    There's no hypocrisy here, Martin. As much as you may think so, there's a likelihood that a great many people currently living will ultimately wind up dead, crippled or injured by those who choose to smoke the demon weed (heh) because of legalization.

    If someone wasted kills someone in my family? (Alcohol OR drugs) there will be no place they can hide that I won't find them.

    And they will pay.

    It's all about enabling, you see. In everything from the welfare state we're developing to making drugs available in addition to all the OTHER ways we can get smashed will really increase enjoyment for the pot heads... and really increase the numbers of innocents who pay for those choices.

    The bat-shit crazy moron who gunned these kids down didn't do that because we legalized gun ownership. Like that Chinese guy who knifed 22 children at roughly the same time, he made all of his own choices... And I don't believe your apples and oranges comparison fits the bill.

    In this case, a more apt comparison would be to vote to legalize AUTOMATIC weapons without care or concern over the results of that action.

    I don't drink OR do drugs; I would cheerfully get rid of all of this crap if I could find a way, and I DAMNED sure wouldn't set about to find MORE ways for people to either kill other people or get killed themselves, and I would treat those who kill others with cars, drunk, the same way I would if they had killed people with a weapon.

    People point to prohibition of the 20's as if it's a reason not to prohibit drugs now, when, were it up to me, I'd get rid of ALL the ways to screw yourself... and others... up.

    We want ways to get baked while giving zero consideration to the results. Kill someone with a car and you get a traffic ticket.

    Well, hell, let's just do away with pharmacies altogether! A heroin addict or meth addict has just as much right to get wasted as a pot head. Hypocrisy comes with moral relativism.

    Let's just set up a nation of zombies... kill each other (and ourselves) with whatever pharma is available!

    Until you hurt me or my family... or cost me money... then I get to hurt back.


  5. Kelly, dude, that's illogical OWG blather.

  6. > Like the guy who killed this man, he was responsible... but those who voted for this bill enabled him... and yes, Martin, that means THEY share in the responsibility.

    Just so we're clear here. This means the entire country, which allows alcohol, _enables_ every drunk driving fatality (and shares in the responsibility). To say nothing of Sandy Hook, we did _enable_ that gun to be kept and beared.

    > We want ways to get baked while giving zero consideration to the results.

    Much consideration is given to the results. Like taking untold millions away from the cartels that take on entire militaries. Do you give any consideration to the consequences of having a failed state on our border?

    > Kill someone with a car and you get a traffic ticket.

    Except no. Take this guy for instance, he went to jail.

    And the whole point of everyone talking about the 22 children that got knifed in China is that _none_ of them died. I don't find it presumptuous that that was because he had a knife and not a gun. I'll still take my guns over Chinese authoritarianism.

  7. Stoners will be elated with this: Scott “Scotty” R. Rowles was exonerated Wednesday because there is not enough evidence to charge him, said Senior Deputy Prosecutor Kasey Vu.

    It seems the officer smelling pot on him, him admitting to having smoked a bowl and failing the sobriety test is not enough to be charged after killing a pedestrian.

    What was that Haven was saying?

  8. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Police say the victim was close to two different lit and controlled intersections, but chose to step out into the middle of traffic, which would clearly put him at fault.

    The guy jay-walked, was almost hit by the guy in the first lane, which would have block the view of the second lane. Also, charges have been dropped, which means they couldn't prove impairment immediately.

    Just like you to post without all the facts, moron.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Deleted duplicate of above.


    "was released" - No need to get released if you don't go to jail.

    If they can't convict him of vehicular manslaughter (doesn't look like it), I bet they'll get him for DUI or something. Just like for alcohol.

  11. Anonymous12:20 AM

    I believe we should remember folks, that the guy walked RIGHT into traffic off the median near the Church on the SE to NE corner of Mill Plain and Andresen Road.

    I might add, I frequent that area... And it is one of the MOST dark areas, even with all of the street lights in the night. There is a REASON there is a four way, four light system in that area and a lighted cross walk to the west.

    I don't put the full blame on this stoned driver.... This fool crossed into that island in a dark area with loads of dark trees without probably a shred of of light clothing to be seen and he died.

    As of two days ago an article:

    Shows that he was released for lack of evidence to hold him accountable. Though charges may be refiled and he might be rearrested. I honestly feel that given the circumstances of the situation from what I have read all over the news media, my knowledge of that area and I'm normally a pedestrian trying to catch a C-tran bus or switch buses from the one bus route to another, which isn't written in the article. It is a frequent area for people to change buses routes and I have seen people do this same exact and stupid thing.... At all times of day and night....-- Jeremy


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