Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Need more proof of the leftist slime that is the Columbian?

It's our curse that the only daily paper we have is a paper of lies.

Lies of CO-mission, where they deliberate tell falsehoods (Fake polling results to support their take on the loot rail scam, for example) and lies of O-mission, where Brancaccio deliberately withholds information (Deliberately failing to do stories on the truth behind the light rail scam by failing to ever mention the Oregon Supreme Court decision that provides the entire background on the CRC scam these scum are pushing so hard) like today's typically scummy editorial.

In Our View: Reform Filibuster Rules

Two quick and easy changes would break the gridlock in the Senate

Many changes will be required for Congress to overcome its current soul-crushing and will-sapping partisan divide. But even the longest journey begins with a single step, which is why the Senate should enact two quick and easy reforms when the 113th Congress convenes in January.No, this has nothing to do with the so-called "fiscal cliff," which is a crisis that for now is wholly owned by the House of Representatives. But it is a reminder that there are pressing issues in addition to the nation's financial crisis. 
Among them is the fact that there is gridlock in the Senate. Yes, the austere, august Senate, originally designed as a refuge of nobility and decorum, is no more noble than the sandbox fight that is the House. 
During the past six years, Republicans used the parliamentary procedure known as a filibuster almost 400 times to waylay legislation. That is about twice as often as the procedure was used during the previous six years, and it included the filibustering of simple procedural motions. All of this suggests the Republicans have been more interested in obstructionism than productivity, and we would hope for a little less paralysis and a lot more action from the next Senate.

First, and most obvious: when the GOP controlled the Senate, did these slimeballs put a column out like this when the GOP controlled the Senate?

Of course not.

And secondly, there was these comments under the article:

Dennis M Snook · Top Commenter
You notice how they leave out the information that Majority leader Reid won't allow Republicans to add any amendments to bills?

  • James Edmondson · Top Commenter
    Or vote on a ton of bills coming out of the House. Keeping bills off the agenda is just filibustering by the majority. But yes, pretty sure the Columbo[sic] cares not for such consistency of thought. It doesn't match their mindset.
    So, in the stilted, fringe-left minds of the democratian, the GOP and filibustering is the ONLY reason for "gridlock in the Senate," and the leftist scum running the show are blameless.

    Well, guess what?  I hope the GOP KEEPS IT UP.

    "No man's life, liberty or property are safe while the legislature is in session." - Gideon Tucker

    Let's remember: the first two years of the Obamanation's tenure, democrats had complete control of government, and he failed to turn it into the socialist utopia he'd dreamed of.  Gridlock, then, when those shilling the bills are such out of touch punks, is most definitely a good thing.

    1 comment:

    1. "The nation’s founders understood that those in power might believe rules don’t apply to them. That’s why they put in place a democracy that preserves our rights and freedoms through checks and balances. These checks and balances protect mainstream values by preventing one party from arrogantly imposing its extreme views on the nation."


      "Throughout our history, the Senate, has structured its processes to reflect its unique powers. For such irreversible steps as conferring lifetime judicial authority, it has given its minority the ability to protect our republic from the combined tyranny of a willful Executive Branch and an equally willful and like-minded small majority of Senators. Thus we allow the minority to speak as long as necessary to stimulate debate and compromise, and to prevent actions that threaten the balance of powers, or seriously offend a substantial minority of Senators."


      "In these circumstances, we Senators have not only the right, but the obligation, to use every power at our disposal, within the Senate’s rules and traditions, to focus the attention of the Senate and the nation, and ultimately the President, on the overreaching abuse of power by the White House and the Republican majority. That’s what our Senate powers and our Senate rules are meant to do. That’s what checks and balances are all about. That’s why the filibuster exists."

      May 11, 2005, portions of a Senate Floor Speech by Senator Ted Kennedy, but when Democrats were the minority.

      Isn't it funny how things change when they became the majority?


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