Thursday, December 27, 2012

Debt ceiling moved up in a complete scam; will cowardly congresswoman cave... again?

Jaime Herrera is a coward.

I've mentioned this on occasion, and it's based on her cowardly, inexplicable, unjustifiable decision not to be bothered with town hall meetings.

That sort of cowardice, by itself, should keep her from being elected to the position of dog-catcher: there's only one reason she lacks the guts to face is, and that's the idea that she'd have to answer for her incompetence.

This complete waste of political skin scares her handlers with her lack of intelligence and grasp of events.  They don't want her to have to answer questions on the fly.  They fear her lack of smarts and dullard intelligence will result in her either crying (she does that a lot, sources have told me) or sticking her foot in her mouth up to her knee.

Even the democratian plays along because this RINO shills their agenda, by lying, once again, that this slimeball is a "bedrock conservative."

The fact is that, like Marc Boldt, if you fail to vote conservative, then you're not a conservative.

Turbo Timmy Geithner lies about moving up the debt ceiling two months to add to the flavor of GOP efforts to cave on the fiscal cliff... a cliff I advocated weeks ago that we needed to go over.

To the dismay of many around here, Herrera has yet to vote "no" on any effort to expand Obama's ability to spend.  Out national debt, now climbing at warp speed, has been increasing at that speed in part because of Ridgefield Barbie's "yes" votes on allowing the debt to increase.

That was one of the weird things about Romney endorsing Herrera: he HAMMERED Santorum... for voting several times to increase the debt ceiling.  She did the same thing... and Romney endorses her.

Well, kids, we apparently have another debt ceiling vote coming up: expect our continually vacuous congresscritter to bend us all over.

And remember this: The reason we have a debt at ALL is because Congress wants us to.

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