Sunday, June 03, 2012

So, we should vote on charter schools but we shouldn't get a vote on the CRC.

For years now, the local paper and the left have been on a "save us from ourselves" jihad.  They presume to do the thinking for us... the presume to superimpose their judgement over the top of ours... over the top of the people because they believe it to be somehow more superior... more enlightened... more knowledgeable.

When they support the likely outcome of a vote, they're all for it.  When they oppose the likely outcome of a vote, they do everything they can to stop or slow the process of even holding the vote, including insulting, belittling and attacking those of us opposed to their aims.

Thus, we get garbage like that spewed by the Pit Yorkie today:
Notes, quotes and anecdotes while wondering why many people who are screaming for a public vote on light rail are also screaming against a public vote on a tax levy to pay for parks:
This from a rather cancerous rag that has twice supported the Taliban City of Vancouver's legal efforts to silence the voters on downtown redevelopment while additionally attacking and ridiculing those who wanted to make another run at a county charter.

Odd that they can turn that "let them vote" thing on and off like a switch... It's the kind of hypocrisy and situational ethics this excuse for a newspaper is known for.

Which brings me to the issue at hand:

I oppose charter schools.

Not because, by any stretch of the imagination I believe them to be a bad idea: oh no... far from.

I oppose charter schools because the people of this state have repeatedly rejected plans that have included the concept.

I oppose light rail because the people of Clark County have repeatedly rejected plans that include light rail.

And so what does the Columbian write?

That we should get a chance to vote on the charter school issue.... again.... but that we should not be allowed to vote on any part of the CRC generally.... and the idiocy of voting on parks, or what I believe to be voting on the Titanic's paint job specifically, should be allowed.

The irony of all of this is that the Yorkie whines about opposition to one vote: and then does all he can to whip up opposition to the other.

I'm all about votes.  I have a somewhat different perspective on them, however; I want fair votes that don't include gerrymandered, exclusive boundaries that exclude tens of thousands from having to vote while failing to exclude us from having to pay.

The Yorkie and the rest of his gang couldn't disagree more.

I believe that charter schools are a solid concept.  And, as soon as the majority of voters agree with me, I intend to support their implementation as soon as possible.

But I also believe that the motives behind yet another vote should apply equally to EVERY issue confronting us: and how this rag can, on one hand, resolutely support a vote on charter schools while doing everything and anything they can to oppose any kind of vote on the CRC?

That's the thing, you see.

One of us attempts to manipulate and fear the will of the people:  I choose to embrace it.

One of us is wrong.

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