Saturday, June 02, 2012

I guess it really sucks to be a Paulbot in Washington today.

Well, the Paulistinians managed a meager 5 delegates in the statewide GOP convention today, a surprisingly poor, but not unexpected showing at the state GOP convention.

Paulbots, of course, are as "Republican" as Ralph Nader... but they think they can use the GOP system in place to try and take over the party apparatus to further their bizarre aims.

Ron Paul has been worthless as a congressman and worthless as a presidential candidate.  His suicidal foreign policy platform would play into the hands of an increasing number of our enemies as they detect the weakness of our Nation's leadership.

Paul, of course, never had a chance.  His followers are as much a group of delusional cultists as those following Jim Jones in Guyana.  But their efforts to take over will continue... as they're even running at the PCO level.

In fact, we've got a Paulbot running right here in the 6-20 precinct; Gary Byers.  One wonders, did his head explode when he discovered today how irrelevant he'd become?

Well done to the State GOP for getting their act together and doing their part for ridding us of this plague.

Romney gets 13 more delegates at Wash. convention

TACOMA, Wash. (AP) -- Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has secured Washington state's 13 final delegates.

Romney swept all 10 at-large delegates at the state convention on Saturday and then got the support of the party's three automatic delegates. That means Romney emerged from Washington with 37 of the state's 43 total delegates.

Supporters of Texas congressman Ron Paul won five delegates on Friday and helped a delegate for Rick Santorum move to the national convention.

Romney's delegates include U.S. Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers and former gubernatorial candidate Dino Rossi. It also includes state Sen. Pam Roach, who was once banished from the Senate GOP caucus because of her conduct. She was allowed back in earlier this year when Senate Republicans led a revolt on the state budget.

Roach got the least number of votes of the chosen at-large delegates.


  1. Daniel Poletti9:16 AM

    Mr. Hinton,

    I am not sure what history you have with Ron Paul supporters, so I'm not sure what feeds this vitriol that I see from you all over the internet for us. I would personally like to apologize if a Paul supporter took your lunch money when you were a kid, or stole your girlfriend. Allow me to extend an olive branch to you, if it is possible at all.

    We are Republicans, and we are more conservative than the outfit that currently runs the show in Clark County. We are not going away, and while you triumph at our recent 'defeat' in Washington, I think anyone that really understands how the system works knows that there are several steps needed to wrest control away from the establishment and all of their automatic delegates at every level of the process. I don't think any of us expected to do it all at once. I take heart though, that we were able to fill the delegation here in the 3rd Congressional district, and I look forward to attending the national convention in August. The upcoming PCO race should be fun as well. If you would like to know more about those efforts, I encourage you to read my own humble offerings on the subject: .

    I also want to discourage you from publicly lambasting the Paul supporter in your precinct without first getting to know him. This behavior reflects badly on you, particularly given the quality of individual that he actually is.

    I look forward to a civil and rewarding discourse with you in the future.

  2. Yeah. I can see the effort to "extend and olive branch" wrapped around playground bullshit.

    Here's the deal: I freely admit that the idiocy of the Paulistinians was taken for granted. Lesson learned.

    As I've stated on this very blog, the Paulbots were better organized and more driven. In fact, they followed the Ellen Craswell model to a "t" around here... until you people were so incompetent and inept that you got your asses kicked in Tacoma: Craswell's people didn't have that problem.

    The problem with playing whack-a-mole when the GOP controls the hammer and the rank and file are getting wise to your sickness is that it inevitably winds up with your sort getting the headaches.

    As a former state GOP Executive Director, I think I have a view as to what is, or what isn't, a Republican. And the comments from the Paul zombies on the recent article in the Columbian that led to my questioning their sanity, wherein they attacked and belittled and denigrated Lew Waters, a veteran of Vietnam, an enlistee as opposed to a draftee merely because he was wise enough to disagree with those scum... combined with Paul's recent enlightened vote in favor gender-based abortion a few days ago... is reason enough to oppose you and everything you stand for by itself... without even getting into your delusional politics and that of the head clown in the Posse, Ron Paul.

    You people are not Republican by any stretch. That's like Obama calling himself a Republican... and many of you act like the most rabid, fringe-left union hacks behind THAT disgrace.

    Even your insistence of putting the word "defeat" within quotes speaks to your delusion: you people were not just defeated when your efforts to take over fell apart...

    ... you people were crushed.

    To merely call it a "defeat" does a disservice to the word.

    And yeah, I understand the system, all too well. Know it inside and out, in fact. And as you people dissolve in the future, like so many others who had the same bizarre ideas of "wresting control" have done before, I'm reminded that even a few communists and Nazi's will be attending the national convention in August... and like them, your voices will be reduced to the whisper it deserves.

    Further, having actually run a state convention (Spokane in 2000) and attended a National Convention myself (Philadelphia, also in 2000) I'm not impressed by the fact that a whole 10% of the Washington delegates were elected from the Paulbot stable. That's representative of your support in this state, so, once again, it's proof the system works.

    And yes, the upcoming PCO races will be a genuine hoot. And as the GOP'ers identify the Paulbots running and turn away from them in droves, once again, your voices will be reduced to a whisper... as it should be.

    That the Paulbot in my precinct IS a Paulbot is all I, or any other Republican in this precinct needs to know. Republicans only need to know the truth... and that guy running will be received much like a Nazi, a Klansman, a communist, a rapist, a pedophile or any other fringe outfit, or even as a democrat running for a Republican PCO seat would be treated.

    Because whatever "quality" that guy has is destroyed by his zombie-like political allegiance... which is likely all you either know... or care... about him.

    The problem for your sort, you see, is that an otherwise fine, God-Fearing Nazi is still a Nazi.

    He could be the salt of the earth. He could be a Saint. He could be a hero; he could have donated a kidney to save a child's life, and none of that will make a damned bit of difference... since he's still a Paulbot.

    As for "civil and rewarding discourse?" You can start with this:

    Fuck off.

  3. Dear "Just a guy",

    As a Santorum delegate to the county convention, and a lurker at the state convention, I have a somewhat different take on this than you.

    First, your pejorative and demagogic remarks epitomize what is wrong with aspects of the culture in the Clark County GOP today -- and what I hope to have a positive role in reversing. Generally speaking, vulgarity translates to ignorance in the eyes of the reader, demogoguery into shallowness of thought, and hyperbole into frailty of issues. You obviously don't believe that or you would not defame yourself with such tactics.

    Second, for the record, the "Paulbots" that I have come to know over the last couple of months have been republicans for 15-20 years, attend church regularly, homeschool their children, pray before their meals. One is a graduate of Multnomah Bible College, others are lawyers, engineers and other professionals and laborers. Some are combat veterans from recent days and Vietnam era and points between. Your characterization of them is not only wholly inaccurate but quite frankly, slanderous.

    Interesting to note is the fact that even an uninformed reader of average intelligence would notice that simply based upon the methods you use to forward your point, your posting is likely nothing more than an irrational rant in the desert. It has all the trademarks of a racist, bigoted diatribe, except that the focal point of the unbridled hatred is one's presidential preference instead of one's race.

    I would happily publish your comments as a beautiful example of everything that the GOP should not be -- except for the damage it would do to the party in the process. Your post not only screams of irrational generalized judgment and hatred, but also of "little tent, little tent, I want to stand on a big chair in a little tent and scream". I believe it is an empirical and mathematical fact that your big fish in a little pond mentality equates to GOP losses in the county and state for decades to come.

    This is the only feedback I will offer you, as I suspect this is an effort in futility. However, on the off chance that your character has within it some remnant of a willingness of introspection, I offer you these thoughts, and, forgiveness for your vulgarity. Clearly, you know not what you do.

  4. What stunning hypocrisy.

    Have you read the comments your sort left attacking Lew Waters?

    If you have, then we have two issues in front of us:

    You are a rank hypocrite or a complete liar.

    Your entire response is a classic example of the same demagoguery you accuse ME of, while overlooking the very Paulbots you so admire. You just choose to use bigger words.

    And if you're going to church (One wonders) then, perhaps, you could review that "judge not, least you be judged" chapter. It's a real doozy.

    Your hypocrisy in concerning yourself with what *I* say on *MY* blog while giving your own sort a complete pass for doing far worse is just an example of why keeping your ilk out of power should be the number one concern of every Republican... your fantasies notwithstanding.

    And, truly, I have a simple solution to your easy offense:

    You don't like what you read here, there's a very simple solution:

    Don't read it.

    I don't care that you or anyone else reads this stuff; I don't put this up for anyone but myself...

    If you never come back, you won't be missed.

    Meanwhile, the war is on. We'll have to see how it turns out over the years because I'm going to be here...

    ...doing this

    ... for decades.

    Thanks for swinging by.


If I cannot identify you, then your post will be deleted.

No threats (Death or otherwise) allowed towards me or anyone else. If you have allegations of misconduct, they must be verifiable before I will publish them in comments.
