Wednesday, June 06, 2012

The Haugen/Herrera irony: guess which one opposes the CRC... and even MORE hypocrisy from the democrats?

Wow.  Only one democrat running for Congress in the WA-03 and the dems won't endorse him because he opposes the CRC.

Was it that long ago the democrats were lying about "sanctioning" those who went off the reservation on democrat issues, telling us they'd never DO such a thing?

The articles and editorials from the democratian.
Of course, local Democrats could hardly contain their glee over dissension in the enemy camp, boasting about their “big-tent” inclusiveness and huffing that they would never deign to expose any donkey’s warts. Why, that’s beneath the dignity of local politics! County Commissioner Steve Stuart, a Democrat, noted that “it is amusing to see Republicans eat their own, but it is bad for the communityWell, naturally Stuart would say that: Democrat Stuart has been the recipient of two of Boldt's endorsements.
The Clark County Democrats, in contrast, do not sanction officials.
“The Clark County Democrats are a ‘big tent’ organization,” Vice Chairman Nick Ande wrote in an email. “We don’t assume that all Democrats are going to have exactly the same views, and we appreciate that diversity in viewpoint within our party rather than admonishing it. No county Democrat has been blacklisted because they have what are perceived as more moderate viewpoints.”
Stephanie Rice wrote this slavish garbage, apparently unable to remember that the democrat party extends far beyond the borders of Clark County. 
When it comes to democrats, there's no lie the local rag won't print.  This, obviously, was just another in the series.

How likely is it they're going to beat on the democrats the same way they beat on the GOP for doing the same thing?

It's not only "unlikely," it's impossible.

Jon Haugen makes no bones about it: he opposes the CRC.  For that, he's going to get my vote.

I say that because our own member of Congress, ostensible Republican Jaime Herrera, completely SUPPORTS the CRC; the unnecessary, unneeded bridge replacement, loot rail, AND tolls.

How wierd is that?

Meanwhile, back at the sanctioning ranch, the democratian remains silent on this bizarre decision by the dems: Haugen is the ONLY DEMOCRAT RUNNING IN THE THIRD CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT, and the DEMOCRATS WON'T ENDORSE HIM.

Gee. Why do you suppose that is?

Haugen, the democrat, lives on a Republican position (or what SHOULD be a Republican position) and Herrera, the Republican, lives on a DEMOCRAT position.

Who knew?

All of which begs the question:

What about all those fringe-left liars who came out swinging for democrat Marc Boldt?

What about their lies and exaggerations?

Is the rag going to do an article where they can spin their successful effort to do, at a state level, THE EXACT SAME THING THE CLARK COUNTY GOP DID TO BOLDT?


Ain't happenin'.

'Cause that's how they roll.

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