Tuesday, June 05, 2012

"This is what democracy looks like!" The democrat/union massacre in Wisconsin: what's it all mean?

No one could foretell how much of a political slaughter the dems and their union lackeys would suffer in Wisconsin today; while signs were generally positive, the idea that it would be the biggest loss since the Paulbots were crushed in Tacoma at the convention never really entered the equation.

Like the Paulbots, the democrats in Wisconsin are completely out of touch with the people; and this political blood spilling resembles that not unlike that awaiting the Paulistinians in Tampa where, if they're lucky, they'll get a job parking cars.

The public employee unions, which have been decimated by this vote; those morons who ran away from the Wisconsin senate, hiding out like the cowards they are in Indiana; the slimeballs who occupied the capital, threatening the GOP legislators... tonite, they were thoroughly humiliated in the Wisconsin Wipeout.

As it should be.

I would imagine that GOP governors and legislators all over the country are going to be calling Walker and his supporters tomorrow to get a clue on his reform packages: what's in them and how to implement them.

Breaking the public employee unions is just a start.  Then, we can get rid of that prevailing wage idiocy, and start saving some real money.

Rob McKenna: are you watching?

1 comment:

  1. I'm adamantly against public employee unions (for the same reason Roosevelt was) but "prevailing wage" laws are a mixed bag. When out-of-state contractors are carrying away the hard-earned tax dollars of our residents, I get perturbed. It's the State equivalent of "Free" Trade.


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