Friday, May 25, 2012

Need another reason to despise teacher unions? Here's one.

Wanna bet the WEA runs similar scams?

FRIDAY, MAY 25, 2012

Bruce McCain: Teachers Pay Union Bosses $1.5 Million! And are They Really Paying a Guy $114K/Yr To Do...Nothing?

Larry Wolf, Past President $114K/year for?

Ever wonder where the OEA union dues go, paid by our local teachers, many of whom just want to do their jobs without bowing to the OEA overlords?

Take a look at the OEA's latest 2010 IRS filing showing SALARY plus BENEFITS = TOTAL COMPENSATION:

Jerry Carruthers, Executive Director: $174,755 + $104,842 = $279,597

Mark Toledo, General Counsel: $160,160 + 68,091 = $228,251

Courtney Vanderstek, Asst. Exec. Director: $153,224 + $60,937 = $214,161

Wilbert Box Bond, Asst. Exec Director: $145,607 + $68,440 = $214,047

Bethanne Darby, Asst. Exec. Director: $142,745 + $61,795 = $204,540

Robert Sande, Asst. Exec. Director: $141,973 + $58,157 = $200,130

Gail Rasmussen, President: $168,938 + $25,130 = $194,068

Larry Wolf, Past President: $114,978 in salary just for being a past president.

OEA reported $22.6 million in total revenue in 2010, but requires one Executive Director, four Assistant Executive Directors, a General Counsel, a President and a Past President with a combined compensation of $1,435,725 to run the outfit.

By comparison, Reynolds hired a new superintendent at just over $140,000 in salary to run a $100 million operation with nearly 11,000 students and 1,000 employees. What are the odds these OEA fat cats are chipping into the REA strike fund out of their own quarter million paychecks?

Bruce McCain is an attorney in private practice, retired Multnomah County Sheriff's Captain and current Reynolds School Board Member

Think about this the next time you hear about those slimeballs going on strike.

HT to Victoria Taft.

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