Saturday, May 26, 2012

The lies from the Columbian continue on the bridge scam.

As regular readers know, even the Oregon State Supreme Court has ID'd the loot rail scam going on; our local cancer on SW Washington, The Columbian, continues to refuse to report those inconvenient truths because, well, in the interests of fairness, if ANY fact stands in the way of their agenda or strengthens the position of the opponents to this criminal rip off, why, instead of doing their duty and reporting it, they typically just ignore it.

Since this Supreme Court decision woukld be, essentially, fatal to their agenda if they were to publicize it... well, you know the rest.

So, when the rag spews this kind of garbage:
Jeers: To this spring's seemingly never-ending repairs to the Interstate 5 Bridge. A problem developed on the southbound span with the rollers that move the huge concrete counterweight up and down. Since April that has led the Oregon Department of Transportation to a series of nighttime closures, which are likely to persist into next week and perhaps longer. So far, the closures have been limited to overnight hours, but there have also been longer-than-usual bridge lifts during the daytime, further inconveniencing motorists. It's all the more proof that the nearly 100-year-old span has reached the end of its useful life and is ripe for replacement.
I had a problem with my torque converter on my dragster.  It's an old car (37, to be precise) but I discovered that, by fixing that one minor part, much like this issue involves fixing one minor part on the bridge, that didn't say ANYTHING about the car being "at the end of it's useful life" or that it's "ripe for replacement."

So, I voted, and my vote won.  Based on my vote, I secured the necessary replacement part (A really sweet Hughes TC with a 3000 stall) and fixed the problem myself.

I didn't feel the need to pull a gun and rob, say, the tard that wrote this jeer to take HIS money for MY dragster so I could enage in my non-existent "want" of an utterly unneccessary replacement... preciely what the lowlifes at the Columbian are demanding from us... except, of course, without a vote.

As someone who drives into Portland, I have always asked myself:

Is paying $50,000 or more in tolls over someone's work life worth replacing the bridge we have now that does not require tolls?

Of course not.

Did the fact that the bridge was closed at 3 a.m. for "repairs" inconvenience me in the least... or anyone else?


Is ANY of this worth the practically incomprehensible waste of money this slimeball is advocating, particularly without asking us, worth it?


Here's the irony of all of this: when the moron who wrote this jeer spews this kind of garbage, I have to play "Give The Rag A Reality Check," that fun word game where their false complaints are turned against them.

It goes something like this:

Jeers: To this spring's seemingly never-ending series of lies and exaggerations the rag uses to shill their agenda on the Interstate 5 Bridge.

A problem developed on the southbound span with the rollers that move the huge concrete counterweight up and down. Since April that has led the Oregon Department of Transportation to a series of nighttime closures, which are likely to persist into next week and perhaps longer. (Or, perhaps not) The closures are limited to overnight hours, which means they really haven't impacted traffic and have caused no real concern or complaint, but there have also been longer-than-usual bridge lifts during the daytime, further inconveniencing motorists who would much rather face the very occasional "inconvenience" then go along with the Columbian's fiscal rape. It's all the more proof that the 112-year-old propaganda, swindle and democrat fiction sheet has reached the end of its useful life and is ripe for replacement.
As the weeks and months drag on while the Columbian continues to sit on the real reasons for this scam, the word is inevitably leaking out.

Their fear of the truth shows that they are not driven by the news any more than Hitler was driven by democracy.

When they finally, inevitably go under and these rats leave the journalistic sinking ship, we'll all be much better off for it.

1 comment:

  1. In Britain, perhaps half the bridges are 100-years old or more. I crossed a Roman bridge in Europe that was 2000-years old. The Golden Gate bridge is 75-years old. The Brooklyn Bridge was built in 1883. Half of the Columbia River bridge is only 53-years old.

    Whoever wrote that column is a liar and a cheat.


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