Wednesday, May 23, 2012

As I suspected, Obama's gay marriage pandering was a bad mistake for him.

Somebody (yeah, it was me) pointed out that Obama was making a terrible mistake:
Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Obama goes gay.

When you're losing, you might as well flame out like a comet.

Mr. Decisive, Mr. "Gutsy Call," Mr. "I don't think marriage is a civil right" Obama who would have you believe HE is responsible for taking out OBL, FINALLY pulled the trigger on gay marriage.

That's surprising to me... not that he hasn't supported the concept all of his life or that he lied about it when he ran for president last time... but that he had the guts to take a stand at all.

This was a political mistake for him.  And he'll come to regret it.
Well, let's see how that's working out for him, shall we?
Florida poll: Quarter of voters less inclined to back Obama over gay marriage issue
President Obama's same-sex marriage endorsement makes a full quarter of Florida voters less likely to cast their ballots for him, according to a poll released Monday.
Quinnipac's latest poll of the Sunshine State finds that 25 percent of voters say Obama's endorsement of gay marriage makes them less likely to vote for him. On the other hand, 11 percent say that it makes them more likely to vote for him.
(Also on POLITICO: Poll: Gay marriage opposition drops)
Among independents, 23 percent say that they're less likely to vote for Obama over same sex marriage. Older voters (55 and older), born-again evangelical Christians, lower income voters and military veterans are all more likely than other demographic groups to say that Obama's backing of same-sex marriage will sway them towards Romney.
On the whole, Romney beats President Obama by six points in Florida, leading 47 to 41 percent over the incumbent president.

This is a net loss of 14% in Florida.  And if Obama losses Florida...

It's starting to look like he doesn't know any more about getting re-elected than he does the economy, or jobs, or telling the truth, or foreign policy, or the military, or.... or... or....

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