Tuesday, March 20, 2012

To avoid getting slammed at the ballot box any sooner then November of next year...

... (When, if he's moronic enough to run for anything, he will get nailed like a Mondale)  Tim Leavitt is moving to formalize his efforts to ram light rail down our throats with no vote.

This blog has concluded on several occasions that such has been his plan all along, a plan no doubt endorsed by the Downtown Mafia types who don't want a little thing like the will of the people to interfere with their $10 billion, generational toll, light rail program disguised as a bridge.

Leavitt, known for his complete lack of integrity or courage, has been drinking Portland's loot rail flavored kool aid by the gallon, with no change in course since he lied to get elected... and since the Oregon State Supreme Court has ruled that the ENTIRE purpose of the bridge scam has been to infest our community with the oft-rejected light rail they fantasize about.

Of course Leavitt is doing everything he can to avoid a vote... any vote... because what would happen to him... what would he and the rest of the special interests that own him do when they were repudiated at the polls?  How would that play back in DC... and Olympia?

This way, all those awkward silences are avoided.  You know... like, what do they say when those in government above them writing the checks ask them: "So, what do the people of your community say about all this?"

Leavitt, the more modern version of Stalin, doesn't particularly give a damn.

Of course, county commissioner Steve "Vote for me and you'll get a light rail vote next November! (as if)" Stuart won't let THAT happen... will he?

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