Tuesday, March 20, 2012

As the CTran thugs meet tonight, here's a brief reminder:

In 2004, when they had a county-wide vote to jack up our taxes for CTran, there were just under 160,000 votes... and 53.67% of them said "no."

Their reaction:

Scam together a CTran taxing district; make it as small as possible while including every retail center in the county... excluding tens of thousands of rural voters from having a say... but not from paying their tax increase... jacking up our sales tax by having a small minority of the voters apply this tax to a much larger majority: (Commissioner Marc Boldt voted "yes" on that scam, BTW)

in 2005; a total of around 66,800 votes with 68% of them voting to force a hundred thousand of us to pay MORE money to subsidize THEIR bus service.

Al Capone would be proud.  So would Bernie Madoff.

Just sayin'.

1 comment:

  1. Somehow I don't think they're going to get a favorable light rail vote no matter what they do.


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