Saturday, March 03, 2012

Thoughts on a caucus.

I went to caucus this morning.  It didn't exactly take place the way I had believed it would; what was missing were presentations and debate before there was a sign in stating presidential preference.  I went in "uncommitted."  I am given to understand these were the rules as set forth by the State GOP.  And that, then, makes the State GOP wrong, IMHO.

But it wouldn't be the first time.

That said, the turnout was huge.  By far the biggest... by a factor of, perhaps, 4 or 5.  We ran out of sign in sheets and platform sheets... so we had to use the backs and margins and blank sheets of paper.

In my precinct, we had a large turnout.  The break down was Romney 7, Paul 7, Gingrich 4 and Santorum 2.

None of the Paul voters were elected to the county convention in my precinct (As an uncommitted delegate, I decided not to vote, and I am an automatic delegate.)  except 2 as alternates.

We ultimately wound up with me (Uncommitted) 2 for Romney and 2 for Gingrich.

Going back to the turnout (Chief Umtuch in Battle Ground) the energy illustrated here was unlike anything I've ever seen before.  Here locally, were I a democrat I'd be afraid.... very afraid.

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