Sunday, March 04, 2012

The delusion of the Columbian: self imposed... or deliberate?

In this highly suspect effort to continue the CRC scam, The newspaper printed this rather intriguing fantasy:

Local View: Experts will scrutinize future of C-TRAN

By John D. White
Sunday, March 4, 2012

Given the historic level of debate about transit in our community, it’s reassuring when a group of independent experts puts our transit plans under a microscope and gives us its unbiased opinion. A technical review process to assure that planned transit systems, if constructed, will be cost-effective and serve the long-term needs of our community is about to commence.

One has to ask: how much money has Mr. White, and or his company, made off this scam to date?
Has anyone been a more rabid supporter of this project?
We are to be reminded: it was "experts" who deliberately ignored the reality of the only options for a bridge that made any sense... a 3rd and 4th bridge in different locations.  (And to those wrapped around the idea that Oregon would never approve that, I admit it.  You're right.  Unfortunately, that justifies nothing.  If Oregon doesn't approve of a 3rd or 4th bridge, then we stand pat and build nothing... particularly now that we know this entire operation is a scam to get light rail into Vancouver/ Clark County.)
It was experts who wasted... wasted.... wasted $150 million on a bridge design that was 25 feet too low.
And Mr. White, a charter member of the downtown mafia/CRUDEC/Chamber of Horrors cabal who wants this all to happen in the very worst way, refers us to the reassurance of carefully hand-picked experts... experts who will do absolutely nothing to derail (heh) this horrific plan... this multi-billion dollar extortion from our community for a project they will not have to pay for... but instead, will get paid from.
This is a worthless exercise, shilled by one so deeply inside the process they have to pipe in daylight.
I think not.
My intelligence insulted?

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