Thursday, March 08, 2012

This isn't the Columbian being disingenuous, is it?

All hail the pre-ordained-outcome of a review by "objective outsiders."

That, of course, is a lie.  These people are no more "objective" than the clowns who shafted us with the CRC in the first place, all part of a deal set up by Metro... as we all knew what the outcome would be on this scam months before they made our execution official.

"Objective outsiders" bought and paid for by those NOT "objective" are NOT going to BE "objective."  If they WERE going to be "objective," they wouldn't have been hired.  The outcome for this nonsense is as pre-ordained as the rejection of the only sane policy, additional bridges in other locations, that made any sense.

These people will be sheep with letters after their name.  They will do what they're being paid to do.  And they will absolutely agree with absolutely everything the CRC has done, no matter how underhanded, unethical, incompetent or illegal.

Without a county-wide vote on the entirety of this project, that these people come out and slavishly agree with every element of this fiscal rape of our community is as meaningless as a Columbian poll on this project.

And the Columbian's ongoing spin while they continue to ignore the Oregon Supreme Court's ruling that this is all a scam?

Well, that speaks for itself.

This is a waste of time.  It's part of the Leave-it excuse for failing to hold a vote, and it's part of the Stuart excuse for the same, in violation of his campaign promise to hold a vote... in November of 2011.

That's what we have to look forward to.  They not only lie... they do it outright and unapologeticly.

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