Friday, March 02, 2012

Memo to Mayor Leavitt

Dear Mayor Leavitt,

"Denial" is much more than a river, and your ability to combine the trait with your unbelievably arrogant positions on the Light Rail/CRC scam, your false flag campaign, your inability to admit you're wrong... and now this:

  • No Lew: You're just not paying attention. If you had been listening, you'd know that both Commissioner Steve Stuart and I -- at least two years ago -- argued for consideration of an income tax rebate for Clark County commuters/workers in Oregon. In fact Lew, Commissioner Stuart noted this request in his STATE OF THE COUNTY address a couple years back. Don't you remember that? But, it was received the same as Rep Orcutt's effort -- with a hearty "No". Why a "no" to Orcutt? Because it's impossible for the Washington State Legislature to demand what another State MUST do. Really? Great popular politics sound bite from someobody who doesn't believe anything should be done to fix the antiquated and unsafe corridor, anyway. Why a "no" to Commissioner Stuard and me? At the time Stuart made a formal statement in his Address, Oregon Hous...e Speaker Dave Hunt responded the next day and said -- paraphrasing -- "No way". And why? Because Oregon has their own budget matters to deal with, and crediting more income tax to Clark County commuters just creates more problems for their state. Further, we know that many Oregonians and certainly some of their electeds believe that Washingtonians that work in Oregon ought to live in Oregon. That way, tolls are avoided. I'm surprised you don't know all this stuff Lew --- since you are supposedly the "source" of information about the goings-on in SW Washington for a certain radio talk show host. You really ought to pay attention.

  • The problem is, Mr. Mayor, that you were responding to this:

    Am I the only one to notice that Orcutt and Harris expressed concern for the well being of their constituents in this ongoing Great Recession, while Moeller and Wyle only expressed concern for getting more of struggling constituents money for the project?
    Do you see your name in there?

    Odd, isn't it, that you feel compelled to respond to something that had nothing to do with you?

    Under that layer of corruption you represent, you seem to have a conscience... one that, perhaps, protests too much.

    You see, Mr. Mayor, the cat is out of the bag.

    You lied as the mainstay of your campaign to get elected.

    We now have had confirmed by no less than the Oregon Supreme Court what this scam is all about... and what I've been reporting here for years.

    You have made it clear that you don't want a vote, calling that mainstay of American democracy "disingenuous."

    And then YOU have the NERVE to suggest that SOMEONE ELSE "pay attention?"

    I would suggest that not only do you suffer a tin ear... but that you seem to keep the entirety of your head buried in a tin bucket.

    Dictatorship and corruption really, as a rule, don't make particularly great governance philosophy.  That you work for a CRC contractor should, by definition, make you recuse yourself from anything concerning that situation.

    Lying about what's going on... why it's going on... and attempting to cover it all up must be a result of some delusion you harbor about a re-election campaign... or a campaign for some other position.

    While I, personally, would enjoy such a misguided effort on your part for the obvious reasons, do you really believe you can lie your way out of this one as well?

    Thanks for your time, Mr. Mayor.  I've enjoyed our little chat.  There will, no doubt, be more of them.

    Meanwhile, YOU pay attention.  Take your own advice, perhaps.  Or, in the interim, do us all a favor and resign.

    Just sayin'.

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