Monday, March 05, 2012

Companies I will boycott because they caved over the Rush Limbaugh show.

At the outset, let me make it clear that I don't listen to Rush's show, which is likely hard for many to believe.  But I don't.  I don't have time and it's easier for me to catch video then audio.

That said, that these gutless worms of companies caved to leftist pressure in their effort to Nazify the airways, will cause me to cancel my Sleep Number order and never use the others under any circumstance (My last ProFlowers order was a joke anyway, so I wouldn't be using them anyhow.)

Quicken Loans
Sleep Train
Sleep Number
Citrix Systems
Legal Zoom and
AOL (Circling the drain anyway)

To date, these are the advertisers who have pulled out of Limbaugh's show since he likely told the truth over that moron from Georgetown Law.

As a result, I will make it a point to avoid using or buying any of these products by any of these companies.

Just sayin'.  What goes around.... comes around.

Just ask the democrats in the State Senate.


  1. Companies are supposed to be in business to make money. Advertising on Rush's show makes them money. Pulling their ads for "political correctness" will cost them money because they won't be on Rush's show and because Rush's listeners will also boycott them as a result.

    In any case, they have made a stupid business decision.

    Rush has no shortage of advertisers who want to advertise on his show. It won't hurt him one bit.

  2. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Seems like he has quite a lack of advertisers, now, eh, hillbilly?

    Hopefully, his blowhard self won't be on the air waves much longer.

    Greg Owens

  3. Still bitter over me kicking your ass on the ballpark thing, eh, Greg? Tsk, tsk.

    Well, here's a clue:

    The First Amendment isn't the First Suggestion. I don't want anyone off the air, right or left, but then, I guess that only one of the two of us has ever taken The Oath.



  4. Poor Greg. Rush hasn't been hurt one bit. There are a lot more advertisers that want to sponsor his show.

    The Leftist morons that dropped his show are really hurting, though. Lefties don't have any brains. Did you know that, Greg? That's why it's so easy to kick their miserable rear-ends. In fact, most of the time Lefties kick themselves in the rear-end and all we have to do is watch them do it. Funny.


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