Friday, February 17, 2012

While not a McKenna supporter, democrat heads have to be exploding as he extends his lead.

I've made it clear that I have problems with Rob McKenna's positions and tend to view him as a "Romney-Light."

That said, another poll came out today confirming his lead over Jay Inslee... at about 10%.

Democrat heads have to be exploding all over the state.  They have OWNED Olympia for the better part of 3 decades, minus the brief legislative resurgence in the 90's.

This does not, I believe, bode particularly well for the demcrats down-ticket.  Presuming the GOP at the state and local level can show some basic competence in GOTV, election night in Washington State could be very, very long for the left.
Second Poll of the Week Shows McKenna Extending Lead in Governor’s Race

A KING 5/SurveyUSA poll of the Washington State Governor’s race released Thursday shows Republican Rob McKenna in a 10-point lead over Democratic congressman Jay Inslee, a lead that includes a healthy advantage in the central Puget Sound.
Of the 572 registered voters statewide surveyed, 49 percent said they would vote for McKenna, 39 percent for Inslee and 12 percent remain undecided.


  1. McKenna took the correct stand on Obamacare.

    I'm absolutely, 100%, a supporter of socialized healthcare. (Which Obamacare is NOT.)

  2. I absolutely agree: he did make the right move on the Obamacare suit.


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