Friday, February 17, 2012

Another example: Teacher's unions make me ill.

I am absolutely opposed to public employee unions, period.  But teacher's unions... they are a special kind of leech on the taxpayer's jugular.

Some might call that a harsh assessment.  But it's fairly clear that they seem unable to understand that they really do work for the people... and the people are hurting.

So how is it that teachers anywhere seem to believe they're worthy of a 30% pay raise over 2 years... or 200 years if our economy stays in this condition?

What on earth could motivate an outrageous demand like that... in an economy like this?  I understand that in this instance, Rahm Emanuel, mayor of Chicago, has somehow been invested with the ability to lengthen the school day.  As a result, the teachers are making an outrageous demand to be paid much, much more then they're making.

Well, here's my take: the teachers union should remember who they are... and who they work for.

If they don't like the pay, the benefits or the working conditions... then they can, of course, feel free to exercise their prerogative and take a walk.

In short, if they don't like it... they should quit.

But no public employee union member or government worker of any kind or at any level should be getting a pay raise of any amount under these circumstances.  Period.

Thirty percent is a joke.  Whoever thought this up has unleashed a public relations disaster.  And if I'm Emanuel, I wouldn't give them a nickel.

HOWEVER, since he's a democrat, and the unions generally and the teacher's unions specifically own the democrats like the 13th Amendment is the 13th Suggestion, expect them to receive a minimum double-digit raise of some sort.  After all, in the union leadership's mind... that's only "fair."   

So, while the rest of us suffer... they gain the benefit.

1 comment:

  1. The people who get into teaching think of themselves as special. They consider themselves guiding intellects - people to be admired. Many are control freaks. There's no better example of "elites."


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