Friday, February 10, 2012

When you have a genuine scumbag as Commander-in-Chief.

There are so many reasons that the lying little worm in the White House has been such a complete disappointment as President.

Militarily, his utter cluelessness is crippling both capability and morale.  His social engineering, DADT bullshit, his efforts to have our wounded veterans pay for their own health insurance... even his deliberate slight of our Medal of Honor recipients... and now this: 
That's why I get really really pissed at the Obama Administration when I see things like this - this posting at the Daily Beast via This Ain't Hell about the guest list of enlisted military members for a dinner party to mark the end of the Iraq war (OIF):
The list is being assembled by the senior enlisted representative for the five service chiefs, and the goal is a mix that is racially diverse, old and young, gay and straight.

A fricking DINNER PARTY?????

You have GOT to be shitting me.

Clearly, this out of touch moron has never seen the troops as anything but a backdrop for photo ops.

A dinner party.

Enlisted or commissioned, I'd tell this slimeball to jam his invitation up his ass.

Now, it's bad enough that he seems to think that the Iraq War was some sort of Coffee Klatch or community yard sale that it needs to be celebrated with high tea and crumpets.

But to base attendance on whether you're fudge packer or not?  Or have the right color skin?  Or the right age?

This is a snapshot of the esoteric bullshit that runs the White House at every level.

It will take decades to undo the damage this clown has done to our military.


Our Nation should live so long.
Hey, congratulations Master Chief, you've been selected to dine with the President because you're the oldest Sailor in DC area who served in Iraq?!

Hey, Gunney, because you're gay and worked at Balad, you get to meet the President?!

Can't they find military men and women who have contributed blood, sweat, and tears to winning the war? What about the door kickers, the wounded, the medics, the pilots, engineers, etc etc etc?
I got this from BLACKFIVE, who is at the top of my go-to list for the latest, ACCURATE military information.

This kind of thing is why I fought... successfully... efforts by my son to join the Marines.

With leadership like this, inculcating victimhood and diversity over meritocracy, there is no way I would risk his blood for scum like this.

And, BTW, if there is going to be such a moronic slap in the face acknowledgement of the sacrifices of those who actually loved their country enough to wear it's uniform... unlike that simple moron in the White House and the band of military-haters he's surrounded himself with over there, here's some of the attendees who SHOULD go:
This guy should be sitting at that dinner table (photo by Lucian Read of Marine Brad Kasal).
       Or what about her - Kimberly Campbell (Callsign Killer Chick):

Or certainly, our good friend, David Bellavia should be dining with the President:
Gunny Popaditch, James Coffman, the MPs from Raven 42.  I could do this all day long.It doesn't matter who is gay or straight, old or young, male or female.  It matters what those men and women DID for our country and for their team.

TSO at This Ain't Hell says:
Are you kidding me with this shit? Why the fug should a persons sexual orientation, gender or ethnicity be a determinant in a White House invite to celebrate the end of Iraq? Why not just do a damn lottery or something? Holy shit this makes me mad.
If you want further proof that the Obama Administration is not about merit, but about photo ops for their voting base, look no further than this.
This. Is. Complete. And. Utter. Bullshit!
But I guess that's not much of shock to us with a President who got an award from an organization before he actually did anything worthwhile:

I have always loved my country.  Wore it's uniform... spent one day out of every week I've been alive serving on foreign shores.

But today, I despise that scumball slimebag running the show more than ever.

That anyone would go to this... this.... crapfest would be the biggest disappointment of all.

1 comment:

  1. A Dinner Party?!

    Hey, I agree with Obama's whole take on foreign policy but YOU DON'T CELEBRATE IDIOCY!


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